@Article{krammer:marmot, author = {Bettina Krammer and Matthias S. M{\"u}ller and Michael M. Resch}, title = {{MPI I/O} analysis and error detection with {MARMOT}}, journal = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th European Parallel Virtural Machine and Message Passing Interface Users Group Meeting}, editor = {Kranzlmuller, D; Kacsuk, P; Dongarra, J}, year = {2004}, month = {September}, volume = {3241}, pages = {242--250}, institution = {Ctr High Performance Comp, Allmandring 30, D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany; Ctr High Performance Comp, D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany}, publisher = {SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN}, copyright = {(c)2004 Institute for Scientific Information, Inc.}, address = {Budapest, Hungary}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/link.asp?id=up8fqm0vlua6pjgl}, keywords = {MPI I/O, error detection, performance analysis, MARMOT, pario-bib}, abstract = {The most frequently used part of MPI-2 is MPI I/O. Due to the complexity of parallel programming in general, and of handling parallel I/O in particular, there is a need for tools that support the application development process. There axe many situations where incorrect usage of MPI by the application programmer can be automatically detected. In this paper we describe the MARMOT tool that uncovers some of these errors and we also analyze to what extent it is possible to do so for MPI I/O.} }