@InProceedings{kuo:blackhole, author = {S. Kuo and M. Winslett and Y. Chen and Y. Cho and M. Subramaniam and K. Seamons}, title = {Application experience with parallel input/output: {Panda} and the {H3expresso} black hole simulation on the {SP2}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eighth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing}, year = {1997}, keywords = {application experience, parallel input/output, parallel I/O, performance issues, multiprocessor file system interface, pario-bib}, abstract = {The paper summarizes our experiences using the Panda parallel I/O library with the H3expresso numerical relativity code on the Cornell SP2. Two performance issues are described: providing efficient off-loading of output data, and satisfying users' desire to dedicate fewer nodes to I/O. We explore the tradeoffs between potential solutions, and present performance results for our approaches. We also show that Panda's high level interface, which allows the user to request input or output of a set of arrays with a single command, is a good match for H3expresso's needs} }