@TechReport{lee:impl, author = {Edward K. Lee}, title = {Software and Performance Issues in the Implementation of a {RAID} Prototype}, year = {1990}, month = {May}, number = {UCB/CSD 90/573}, institution = {EECS, Univ. California at Berkeley}, URL = {http://cs-tr.cs.berkeley.edu/TR/UCB:CSD-90-573}, keywords = {parallel I/O, disk striping, performance, pario-bib}, comment = {Details of their prototype. Defines terms like stripe unit. Explores ways to lay out parity. Does performance simulations. Describes ops needed in device driver. Good to read if you plan to implement a RAID. Results: small R+W, or high loads, don't care about parity placement; in low load, there are different best cases for large R+W. Best all-around is left-symmetric. See also lee:parity.} }