@TechReport{lee:redist, author = {Jang Sun Lee and Sanjay Ranka and Ravi V. Shankar}, title = {Communication-Efficient and Memory-Bounded External Redistribution}, year = {1995}, institution = {Syracuse University}, keywords = {parallel I/O algorithm, out-of-core, pario-bib}, abstract = {This paper presents communication-efficient algorithms for the external data redistribution problem. Deterministic lower bounds and upper bounds are presented for the number of I/O operations, communication time and the memory requirements of external redistribution. Our algorithms differ from most other algorithms presented for out-of-core applications in that it is optimal (within a small constant factor) not only in the number of I/O operations, but also in the time taken for communication. A coarse-grained MIMD architecture with I/O subsystems attached to each processor is assumed, but the results are expected to be applicable over a wider variety of architectures.}, comment = {See shankar:transport for the underlying communication primitives.} }