@InProceedings{lee:userio, author = {Jang Sun Lee and Sang-Gue Oh and Bruce P. Berra and Sanjay Ranka}, title = {User-Controllable {I/O} for Parallel Computers}, booktitle = {International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA~'96)}, year = {1996}, month = {August}, pages = {442--453}, keywords = {parallel I/O, pario-bib}, abstract = {This paper presents the design of UPIO, a software for user-controllable parallel input and output. UPIO is designed to maximize I/O performance for scientific applications on MIMD multicomputers. The most important features of UPIO are: It supports a domain-specific file model and a variety of application interfaces to present numerous access patterns. UPIO provides user-contollerable I/O operations that allow users to control data access, file structure, and data distribution. The domain-specific file model and user controllability give low I/O overhead and allow programmers to exploit the aggregate bandwidth of parallel disks.}, comment = {They describe an interface that seems to allow easier access for programmers that want to map matrices onto parallel files. The concepts are not well explained, so it's hard to really understand what is new and different. They make no explicit comparison with other advanced interfaces like that in Vesta or Galley. No performance results.} }