@Article{lockey:characterization, author = {P. Lockey and R. Proctor and I. D. James}, title = {Characterization of {I/O} Requirements in a Massively Parallel Shelf Sea Model}, journal = {The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications}, year = {1998}, month = {Fall}, volume = {12}, number = {3}, pages = {320--332}, keywords = {parallel I/O application, pario-bib}, abstract = {It is now recognized that a high level of I/O performance is crucial in making effective use of parallel machines for many scientific application codes. This paper considers the I/O requirements in one particular scientific application area; 3D modelling of continental shelf sea regions. We identify some of the scientific aims which drive the model development, and the consequent impact on the I/O needs. As a case study we take a parallel production code running a simulation of the North Sea on a Cray~T3D platform and investigate the I/O performance in dealing with the dominant I/O component; dumping of results data to disk. In order to place the performance issues in a more general framework we construct a simple theoretical model of I/O requirements, and use this to probe the impact of available I/O performance on current and proposed scientific objectives.}, comment = {In a Special Issue on I/O in Parallel Applications, volume 12, numbers 3 and 4.} }