@InProceedings{matthews:hippi, author = {Kevin C. Matthews}, title = {Experiences Implementing a Shared File System on a {HIPPI} Disk Array}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourteenth IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems}, year = {1995}, month = {September}, pages = {77--88}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, keywords = {mass storage, distributed file system, parallel I/O, pario-bib}, abstract = {Shared file systems which use a physically shared mass storage device have existed for many years, although not on UNIX based operating systems. This paper describes a shared file system (SFS) that was implemented first as a special project on the Gray Research Inc. (CRI) UNICOS operating system. A more general product was then built on top of this project using a HIPPI disk array for the shared mass storage. The design of SFS is outlined, as well as some performance experiences with the product. We describe how SFS interacts with the OSF distributed file service (DFS) and with the CRI data migration facility (DMF). We also describe possible development directions for the SFS product.}, comment = {They use hardware to tie the same storage device (a disk array) to several computers (Cray C90s). They build a custom piece of hardware just to service semaphore requests very fast. HIPPI is the interconnect. Details have a lot to do with the synchronization between processors trying to update the same metadata; that's why they use the semaphores.} }