@InProceedings{ng:diskarray, author = {Spencer Ng}, title = {Some Design Issues of Disk Arrays}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE Compcon}, year = {1989}, month = {Spring}, pages = {137--142}, note = {San Francisco, CA}, keywords = {parallel I/O, disk array, pario-bib}, comment = {Discusses disk arrays and striping. Transfer size is important to striping success: small size transfers are better off with independent disks. Synchronized rotation is especially important for small transfer sizes, since then the increased rotational delays dominate. Fine grain striping involves less assembly/disassembly delay, but coarse grain (block) striping allows for request parallelism. Fine grain striping wastes capacity due to fixed size formatting overhead. He also derives exact MTTF equation for 1-failure tolerance and on-line repair.} }