@InProceedings{nishino:sfs, author = {H. Nishino and S. Naka and K Ikumi}, title = {High Performance File System for Supercomputing Environment}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Supercomputing '89}, year = {1989}, pages = {747--756}, keywords = {supercomputer, file system, parallel I/O, pario-bib}, comment = {A modification to the Unix file system to allow for supercomputer access. Workload: file size from few KB to few GB, I/O operation size from few bytes to hundreds of MB. Generally programs split into I/O-bound and CPU-bound parts. Sequential and random access. Needs: giant files (bigger than device), peak hardware performance for large files, NFS access. Their FS is built into Unix ``transparently''. Space allocated in clusters, rather than blocks; clusters might be as big as a cylinder. Allows for efficient, large files. Mentions parallel disks as part of a ``virtual volume'' but does not elaborate. Prefetching within a cluster.} }