@TechReport{nodine:greed, author = {Mark H. Nodine and Jeffrey Scott Vitter}, title = {Greed Sort: An Optimal External Sorting Algorithm for Multiple Disks}, year = {1992}, number = {CS--91--20}, institution = {Brown University}, note = {A summary appears in SPAA~'91}, URL = {http://www.cs.brown.edu/publications/techreports/reports/CS-91-20.html}, keywords = {parallel I/O algorithms, sorting, pario-bib}, abstract = {We present an optimal deterministic algorithm for external sorting on multiple disks. Our measure of performance is the number of input/output (I/O) operations. In each I/O, each disk can simultaneously transfer a block of data. Our algorithm improves upon a recent randomized optimal algorithm and the (non-optimal) commonly used technique of disk striping. The code is simple enough for easy implementation.}, comment = {Summary is nodine:sort. This is revision of CS--91--04.} }