@InProceedings{nodine:loadbalance, author = {Mark H. Nodine and Jeffrey Vitter}, title = {Load Balancing Paradigms for Optimal Use of Parallel Disks and Parallel Memory Hierarchies}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1993 DAGS/PC Symposium}, year = {1993}, month = {June}, pages = {26--39}, organization = {Dartmouth Institute for Advanced Graduate Studies}, address = {Hanover, NH}, keywords = {parallel I/O algorithm, memory hierarchy, load balance, sorting, pario-bib}, abstract = {We present several load balancing paradigms pertinent to optimizing I/O performance with disk and processor parallelism. We use sorting as our canonical application to illustrate the paradigms, and we survey a wide variety of applications in computational geometry. The use of parallel disks can help overcome the I/O bottleneck in sorting if the records in each read or write are evenly balanced among the disks. There are three known load balancing paradigms that lead to optimal I/O algorithms: using randomness to assign blocks to disks, using the disks predominantly independently, and deterministically balancing the blocks by matching. In this report, we describe all of these techniques in detail and compare their relative advantages. We show how randomized and deterministic balancing can be extended to provide sorting algorithms that are optimal both in terms of the number of I/Os and the internal processing time for parallel-processing machines with scalable I/O subsystems and with parallel memory hierarchies. We also survey results achieving optimal performance in the these models for a large range of online and batch problems in computational geometry.}, comment = {Invited speaker: Jeffrey Vitter.} }