@TechReport{oed:t3d, author = {Wilfried Oed}, title = {The {Cray Research} Massively Parallel Processor System {CRAY T3D}}, year = {1993}, month = {November 15}, institution = {Cray Research GmbH}, address = {M\"unchen, Germany}, keywords = {parallel architecture, shared memory, supercomputer, parallel I/O, pario-bib}, comment = {A MIMD, shared-memory machine, with 2-processor units embedded in a 3-d torus. Each link is bidirectional and runs 300 MB/s. Processors are 150 MHz ALPHA, plus 16--64 MB RAM, plus a memory interface unit. Global physical address space with remote-reference and block-transfer capability. Not clear about cache coherency. Separate tree network for global synchronization. Support for message send and optional interrupt. I/O is all done through interface nodes that hook to the YMP host and to its I/O clusters with 400 MB/s links. I/O is by default serialized, but they do support a ``broadcast'' read operation (but see pase:t3d-fortran). FORTRAN compiler supports the NUMA shared memory; PVM is used for C and message passing.} }