@TechReport{pase:t3d-fortran, author = {Douglas M. Pase and Tom MacDonald and Andrew Meltzer}, title = {{MPP Fortran} Programming Model}, year = {1993}, month = {October 11}, institution = {Cray Research, Inc.}, URL = {ftp://ftp.cray.com/product-info/program_env/program_model.html}, keywords = {compiler, parallel language, supercomputing, parallel I/O, pario-bib}, abstract = {This report describes the MPP Fortran programming model which will be supported on the first phase MPP systems. Based on existing and proposed standards, it is a work sharing model which combines features from existing models in a way that may be both efficiently implemented and useful.}, comment = {See also oed:t3d for T3D overview. I only read the part about I/O. The only I/O support, apparently, is for each processor to open and access the file independently from all other processors.} }