@InProceedings{patterson:informed, author = {R. Hugo Patterson and Garth A. Gibson and Eka Ginting and Daniel Stodolsky and Jim Zelenka}, title = {Informed prefetching and caching}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles}, year = {1995}, month = {December}, pages = {79--95}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {Copper Mountain, CO}, earlier = {patterson:informed-tr}, later = {patterson:binformed}, keywords = {caching, prefetching, file system, hints, I/O, resource management, parallel I/O, pario-bib}, abstract = {In this paper, we present aggressive, proactive mechanisms that tailor file system resource management to the needs of I/O-intensive applications. In particular, we show how to use application-disclosed access patterns (hints) to expose and exploit I/O parallelism, and to dynamically allocate file buffers among three competing demands: prefetching hinted blocks, caching hinted blocks for reuse, and caching recently used data for unhinted accesses. Our approach estimates the impact of alternative buffer allocations on application execution time and applies cost-benefit analysis to allocate buffers where they will have the greatest impact. We have implemented informed prefetching and caching in Digitals OSF/1 operating system and measured its performance on a 150 MHz Alpha equipped with 15 disks running a range of applications. Informed prefetching reduces the execution time of text search, scientific visualization, relational database queries, speech recognition, and object linking by 20-83\%. Informed caching reduces the execution time of computational physics by up to 42\% and contributes to the performance improvement of the object linker and the database. Moreover, applied to multiprogrammed, I/O-intensive workloads, informed prefetching and caching increase overall throughput.}, comment = {See patterson:informed-tr for an earlier version. Programs may give hints to the file system about what they will read in the future, and in what order. Hints are used for informed prefetching and informed caching. Most interesting thing about this paper over the earlier ones is the buffer management. Prefetcher and demand fetcher both want buffers. LRU cache and hinted cache both could supply buffers (thru replacement). Each supplies a cost for giving up buffers and benefit for getting more buffers. These are expressed in a common 'currency', in terms of their expected effect on I/O service time, and a manager takes buffers from one and gives buffers to another when the benefits outweigh the costs. All is based on a simple model, which is further simplified in their implementation within OSF/1. Performance looks good, they can keep more disks busy in a parallel file system. Furthermore, informed caching helps reduce the number of I/Os. Indeed they 'discover' MRU replacement policy automatically.} }