@Misc{patterson:vterabytes, author = {David Patterson}, title = {Terabytes $\gg$ Teraflops (or Why Work on Processors When {I/O} is Where the Action Is?)}, year = {1993}, howpublished = {Produced by University Video Communications}, note = {Videotape}, URL = {http://www.uvc.com/videos/06Patterson.video.html}, keywords = {videotape, computer architecture, parallel I/O, pario-bib}, abstract = {RISC pioneer and UC, Berkeley Computer Science Professor David Patterson is working to develop input/output systems to match the increasingly higher performance of new processors. Here he describes the results of the RAID (Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks) project, which offers much greater performance, capacity, and reliability from I/O systems. Patterson also discusses a new project, Sequoia 2000, which looks at utilizing small helical scan tapes, such as digital-audiotapes or videotapes, to offer terabytes of storage for the price of a file/server. He believes that a 1000x increase in storage, available on most Ethernets, will have a much greater impact than a 1000x increase in processing speed.}, comment = {See patterson:trends. 58 minutes.} }