@InProceedings{perez:cooperation, author = {Mar\'{i}a S. P\'{e}rez and Alberto S\'{a}nchez and V\'{i}ctor Robles and Jos\'{e} M. Pe{\~{n}}a and Jemal Abawajy}, title = {Cooperation model of a multiagent parallel file system for clusters}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fouth IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid}, year = {2004}, month = {April}, pages = {595--601}, institution = {Univ Politecn Madrid, Fac Informat, Madrid, Spain}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, copyright = {(c)2004 Institute for Scientific Information, Inc.}, address = {Chicago, IL}, keywords = {multi-agent parallel file system, pario-bib} }