@InProceedings{pierce:pario, author = {Paul Pierce}, title = {A Concurrent File System for a Highly Parallel Mass Storage System}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications}, year = {1989}, month = {March}, pages = {155--160}, publisher = {Golden Gate Enterprises, Los Altos, CA}, address = {Monterey, CA}, keywords = {parallel I/O, hypercube, Intel iPSC/2, multiprocessor file system, pario-bib}, comment = {Intel iPSC/2 Concurrent File System. Chose to tailor system for high performance for large files, read in large chunks. Uniform logical file system view, Unix stdio interface. Blocks scattered over all disks, but not striped. Blocksize 4K optimizes message-passing performance without using blocks that are too big. Tree-directory is stored in ONE file and managed by ONE process, so opens are bottlenecked, but that is not their emphasis. File headers, however, are scattered. The file header info contains a list of blocks. File header is managed by disk process on its I/O node. Data caching is done only at the I/O node of the originating disk drive. Read-ahead is used but not detailed here.} }