@Article{reed:panel, author = {Daniel A. Reed and Charles Catlett and Alok Choudhary and David Kotz and Marc Snir}, title = {Parallel {I/O}: Getting Ready for Prime Time}, journal = {IEEE Parallel and Distributed Technology}, year = {1995}, month = {Summer}, pages = {64--71}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, copyright = {IEEE}, note = {Edited transcript of panel discussion at the 1994 International Conference on Parallel Processing}, URL = {http://computer.org/concurrency/pd1995/p2toc.htm}, URLpdf = {http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/reed:panel.pdf}, keywords = {parallel I/O, pario-bib, dfk}, comment = {This paper summarizes the presentations made by panel members at the ICPP panel discussion on parallel I/O, and the ensuing discussion.} }