@TechReport{rosales:cds, author = {F. Rosales and J. Carretero and F. {P\'erez} and P. de~Miguel and F. {Garc\'{\i}a} and L. Alonso}, title = {{CDS} Design: A Parallel Disk Server for Multicomputers}, year = {1994}, number = {FIM/83.1/DATSI/94}, institution = {Universidad Politecnic Madrid}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, URL = {http://laurel.datsi.fi.upm.es/~gp/publications/datsi83.1.ps.Z}, keywords = {multiprocessor file system, parallel I/O, pario-bib}, abstract = {This document describes the detailed design of the CDS, one of the components of the Cache Coherent File System (CCFS). CCFS has three main components: Client File Server (CLFS), Local File Server (LFS), Concurrent Disk System (CDS). A CDSs is located on each disk node, to develop input/output functions in a per node basis. The CDS will interact with the microkernel drivers to execute real input/output and to manage the disk system. The CDS includes general services to distribute accesses to disks, controlling partition information, etc.}, comment = {See carretero:*, rosales:cds, perez:clfs.} }