@InProceedings{ryan:navier, author = {J. S. Ryan and S. K. Weeratunga}, title = {Parallel Computation of {3-D Navier-Stokes} Flowfields for Supersonic Vehicles}, booktitle = {31st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit}, year = {1993}, address = {Reno, NV}, note = {AIAA Paper 93-0064}, keywords = {parallel application, CFD, parallel I/O, pario-bib}, comment = {This paper goes with the ryan:cfs code example. Describes their parallel implementation of the ARC3D code on the iPSC/860. A section of the paper considers I/O, which is to write out a large multidimensional matrix at each timestep. They found that it was actually faster to write to separate files because of congestion in the I/O nodes was hurting performance. They never got more than 2 MB/s, even so, on a system that should obtain 7-10 MB/s peak.} }