@Article{stone:query, author = {Harold S. Stone}, title = {Parallel Querying of Large Databases: {A} Case Study}, journal = {IEEE Computer}, year = {1987}, month = {October}, volume = {20}, number = {10}, pages = {11--21}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, keywords = {parallel I/O, database, SIMD, connection machine, pario-bib}, comment = {See also IEEE Computer, Jan 1988, p. 8 and 10. Examines a database query that is parallelized for the Connection Machine. He shows that in many cases, a smarter serial algorithm that reads only a portion of the database (through an index) will be faster than 64K processors reading the whole database. Uses a simple model for the machines to show this. Reemphasizes the point of Boral and DeWitt that I/O is the bottleneck of a database machine, and that parallelizing the processing will not necessarily help a great deal.} }