@Article{takahashi:performance, author = {Naoua Takahashi and Yasuo Kurosu}, title = {Performance improvement of disk array subsystems having shared cache and control memories}, journal = {Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers D-I}, year = {2003}, month = {June}, volume = {J86-D-I}, number = {6}, pages = {375--388}, publisher = {Japan : Inst. Electron. Inf. \& Commun. Eng, 2003}, copyright = {(c)2004 IEE}, URL = {http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/abstract/108561017/ABSTRACT}, keywords = {disk array, star network topology, shared cache, pario-bib}, abstract = {Disk array subsystems have serious demands for higher speed and greater number of channels along with the trends in improving operational efficiency of information system by integrating its storage subsystems. Conventional disk array subsystem employs a bus-structured connection between its microprocessors and shared cache and control memories. In general, a network-structured connection can be faster as compared with a bus-structured one although a switch causes higher latency. In this paper we propose a hybrid star-net connection consisting of a hierarchically switched star fan-out for cache memory and a direct star fan-out for control memory, where cache is used as a temporary store of host data, and control memory stores various control data including cache control tables. The latter requires more speed than the former. Based on the proposed connection, we developed a disk array subsystem with host interface having 32 channels, and evaluated its performance. We could attain sequential performance of 920MB/s and transaction performance of 160KIO/s. In comparison to the conventional disk array subsystem, the former is 5 times, and the latter is 2.5 times better. (12 refs.)} }