@InProceedings{vellanki:predict, author = {Vivekanand Vellanki and Ann Chervenak}, title = {A Cost-Benefit Scheme for High Performance Predictive Prefetching}, booktitle = {Proceedings of SC99: High Performance Networking and Computing}, year = {1999}, month = {November}, publisher = {ACM Press and IEEE Computer Society Press}, address = {Portland, OR}, URL = {http://www.sc99.org/proceedings/papers/vellanki.pdf}, keywords = {file prefetching, cost-benefit analysis, parallel I/O pario-bib}, comment = {They describe a prefetching scheme which prefetches blocks using a cost-benefit analysis scheme based on the probability that the block will be accessed. The benefit of prefetching a block is compared to the cost of replacing another block from the cache. They were able to reduce cache miss rates by 36% for workloads which receive no benefit from sequential prefetching.} }