@InProceedings{wilkes:lessons, author = {John Wilkes}, title = {{DataMesh}, house-building, and distributed systems technology}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1993 DAGS/PC Symposium}, year = {1993}, month = {June}, pages = {1--5}, organization = {Dartmouth Institute for Advanced Graduate Studies}, address = {Hanover, NH}, earlier = {wilkes:houses}, keywords = {file system, parallel I/O, RAID, disk array, pario-bib}, comment = {Invited speaker. Also appeared in ACM OSR April 1993 (wilkes:houses). This gives his viewpoint that we should be focusing more on architecture than on components, to design frameworks rather than just individual policies and mechanisms. It also gives a quick overview of DataMesh. For more DataMesh info, though, see cao:tickertaip, chao:datamesh, wilkes:datamesh1, wilkes:datamesh, wilkes:houses.} }