@InCollection{yokota:nets-book, author = {Haruo Yokota and Yasuyuki Mimatsu}, title = {A Scalable Disk System with Data Reconstruction Functions}, booktitle = {Input/Output in Parallel and Distributed Computer Systems}, chapter = {16}, editor = {Ravi Jain and John Werth and James C. Browne}, crossref = {iopads-book}, year = {1996}, series = {The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science}, volume = {362}, pages = {353--372}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, earlier = {yokota:nets}, keywords = {parallel I/O architecture, disk array, pario-bib}, abstract = {Scalable disk systems are required to implement well-balanced computer systems. We have proposed DR-nets, Data-Reconstruction networks, to construct the scalable parallel disk systems with high reliability. Each node of a DR-net has disks, and is connected by links to form an interconnection network. To realize the high reliability, nodes in a sub-network of the interconnection network organize a group of parity calculation proposed for RAIDs. Inter-node communication for calculating parity keeps the locality of data transfer, and it inhibits bottlenecks from occurring, even if the size of the network becomes very large. We have developed an experimental system using Transputers. In this chapter, we provide execution models for estimating the response time and throughput of DR-nets, and compare them to experimental results. We also discuss the reliability of the DR-nets and RAIDs.}, comment = {Part of a whole book on parallel I/O; see iopads-book.} }