  1. to reiterate: the goal of the paper is not to assign semantic meaning to the classes -- this page is intended only for exploration of the algorithm behaviour. Look not at the labels of the classemes, but at the images returned on clicking them.
  2. ... and image search results may have changed since our training sets were captured, so should be taken as illustrative only.
  3. the classemes, coming from a general vocabulary, may still contain concepts or words which may cause offence, or which may retrieve offensive pictures
  4. blue cells have high positive weights, red cells high negative weights
  5. this table is for a 1-vs-all SVM classifier trained on each C256 category, with binary classemes (329 bytes per image). The short table in the paper is for 1-vs-all lp-Beta.
  6. this list is sorted by C256 accuracy, from highest to lowest, but... the caltech-101 subset has been moved to the bottom as the classemes chosen simply exploit the known deficiencies in the C101 set (despite giving very high performance: 96% precision@25 for motorbikes, 72% for helicopter, 48% for umbrella).

rainbow water tank hazy area communications tower open space content sky
fire-truck bus terminal fire station tour bus dump truck fire fighting vehicle
tower-pisa tower clocktower water tower architect bell tower
tweezer national flag electromagnetic radiation optical drive pipes information recording device
comet smoke stack violent collision projectile partially tangible product travel accessory
photocopier computer workstation window shade computer printer laser mobile home storage facility
galaxy surface region finite outer space thunderstorm as object topographical feature rain storm as object
iris crying plant blo intangible existing thing group human activity
mars cargo airplane whale crustacean disc basin
waterfall water tank watercourse mop river playing agame
saturn whale manufactured goods moonlight rocket plane air to surface missile
vcr cassette deck radio router network desk worker body movement event
golden-gate-bridge control tower square rigger bridge barge nuclear power plant building
license-plate person supporting object homosexual human street sign video game system learning
self-propelled-lawn-mower anti aircraft gun satellite facility air to surface missile adverse weather area weapon system
cereal-box expansion card inspector professional film exiting a vehicle advocate
video-projector taxi cab clock radio computer disk computer power supply regular oven
house-fly spatial thing fast frigate pylon anti armor mine flat object
tomato movement translation event celebrity food drink and ingredients native american wine glass
washing-machine clock radio dvd player coarse grained soil region ice cube maker information storage device
school-bus bus tour bus box truck truck route apartment unit
sheet-music highway interchange electromagnetic radiation powerlines low lying wetland proximity triggered weapon
tennis-court golf course physical barrier paved roadway outdoor recreation area high plasticity soil region
calculator ethernet controller board computer power supply sound card expansion slot information recording device
gas-pump boiler room phonebooth vending stand furnace grandfather
lightning pylon storm hazy area radio observatory thunderstorm as object
zebra compressed gas tank cooking vessel slope cables food delivery person
skyscraper empire state clocktower bell tower cooling tower projectile launcher indirect
refrigerator cabinet piece of furniture apartment unit controlling aphysical device icepick fire alarm
toad edible stuff castle food or drink fisherman cliff
touring-bike bicycle low rider road vehicle power transmission line tower entertainment or recreation organization automobile gasoline engine
football-helmet cement truck food delivery person car car racing organic material
swiss-army-knife nail clippers transport aircraft logo leg movement food vessel
eiffel-tower clocktower empire state church pylon drive in theater
breadmaker stove top cooking pot computer printer laser leader septic tank computer workstation
paper-shredder computer printer laser parallel port computer disk stove top cooking pot router
yarmulke baseball cap jewelry box volcano hurricane typhoon warrant officer rank
bulldozer cement truck oil drilling site moonlight tractor combine tractor
steering-wheel gauge fluid reservoir bowling ball helmet cloud
killer-whale swimmer speedboat submarine cloud hydrogen bomb
coffee-mug thermos mug display stand piece of furniture capsule container private first class rank
lathe mechanical device weight sales clerk satellite facility carpentry tool
computer-monitor desk worker computer agent non geographical hdtv set computer hardware component
telephone-box apartment unit jail dishwasher machine storage construct residential buildings
snowmobile snow ski winter sport activity rescue helicopter machine gun skiing
homer-simpson dentist dangerous situation in public teacher telephone cord
people researcher couple minister of interior fishhook radio personality
floppy-disk cd rom drive computer board computer printer laser home cd player scanner
tombstone gravesite reformatory ground convent residence eating vessel
fried-egg baking dish waxed paper slow cooker stove top cooking pot tennis ball
jesus-christ doorway conversation canine animal altar boy dock worker
sushi food processor capsule container sports event bread pan tray
pci-card expansion card ethernet controller board computer board computer power supply computer mother board
teepee flat region tent rocket launching sculpture crane vehicle
hibiscus hispanic person path customary bell boy ballet dancer weather event
smokestack smoke stack television tower sports pounding driving implement cloud tower
teapot mug shotgun drinking glass salt shaker food vessel
hamburger roasting pan food serving tray slow cooker shrimp
grapes gully lower middle class flower florist jungle
french-horn key ring lacrosse ball clock black and white television cold temperature activity
microwave computer hood for stove computer workstation military weapon detached house
roulette-wheel gauge light guided missile frigate control structure crustacean gymnastics apparatus
coin cold temperature activity muffin pan disc jewelry box locomotion solid surface
teddy-bear newborn baby cat grandparent infant newborn animal
hourglass criminal wine glass doorman sliding freezer
owl asian person napalm opera singer dancer taiga
covered-wagon house of worship collision astronomical observatory building storage construct social gathering
light-house bell tower water tower smoke stack nuclear power plant building clocktower
head-phones head cover gym rings gymnast field hockey stick integrated circuit
binoculars head cover battery charger handgun golf bag grenade
mountain-bike bicycle machine gun sketch low rider road vehicle dirt bike
windmill observatory clocktower ground to orbit vehicle oil rig control tower
billiards master gunnery sergeant rank hollow cylindrical object workplace comb for hair drinking vessel
chess-board race car car racing wallet male anchor bilateral object
gorilla canyon marina animal shelter cattle domestic talk show host
sneaker measuring spoon sports equipment vandal fish electric skillet
elk torpedo anti tank guided weapon ski area heavy forest herd animal
fireworks movement translation event intangible individual person with sex organs covered nighttime napalm
speed-boat dinghy trawler formula 1 race car boat ship speedboat
hot-tub bath tub jon boat apartment unit vehicle barrier road vehicle
porcupine fountain spider hole tame animal wilderness area sliding low friction
cartman watercraft small soccer atomic bomb bendable golf player
harp mannequin artist enduring thing cooking vessel doorway
horse arriving at aplace nuclear weapon equine animal barn locomotion process
sextant collectible human young adult obstacle system peacekeeper fjord
ipod scanner optical single user computer computer display air defense weapon serial computer cable
mattress bread pan covering gas field storage tank anti armor weapon
spaghetti roasting pan muffin pan baking dish shrimp slow cooker
greyhound athlete abused child disaster event domesticated animal running
cake playing agame edible stuff waxed paper kite ice cream maker
desk-globe collectible barometer manufactured goods serving bowl command vehicle
centipede organism whole invertebrate arthropod powerlines aquatic organism
treadmill electric wheelchair fitness equipment commuter train transport helicopter mathematician
butterfly flower cardinal swamp eater female animal
t-shirt lieutenant general rank major general rank rear admiral rank sheet of some stuff medicine bottle
minaret bell tower water tower television tower clocktower rocket launching
palm-tree powerlines national parkway nps communications tower sculpture playa
kayak highway ramp speedboat visible light attack aircraft carrier inflatable boat
lightbulb toilet tank drinking bottle temporal thing tactical terrain object dishwasher
harpsichord bbq grill construction worker box truck viny area passenger compartment
cormorant guided ballistic missile guided missile destroyer open area fisherman military spacecraft
wine-bottle projectile device rail control tower medicine bottle weight sports pounding driving implement
stained-glass art gallery bridge temporally extended thing sketch ambassador
guitar-pick tennis racket lacrosse ball disc hominidae family completely cloud covered area
toaster computer printer laser ice cube maker deep fryer external part of building animal shelter
fern island mint translocation organism part non commissioned officer
beer-mug stemware drinking glass serving vessel locomotion two legged capsule container
diamond-ring food processor speculum anchorperson organism part quadruped
american-flag national flag movement translation event non us national flag bread pan exiting car
cd disc small arm incendiary device barometer airplane
sword ethnic group of east indians grenade launcher switchblade partially tangible sports stick
pez-dispenser playhouse clubhouse armored command post carrier clothes steamer cabinet piece of furniture baking dish
cowboy-hat helmet jewelry box baseball cap soft terrain disc
blimp submarine military aircraft rocket plane eclipse attack aircraft carrier
tripod runway straight mailing location martial artist biped
raccoon ecological region canine animal lawn combattant butcher
tricycle bicyclist electric wheelchair dirt bike football player american motor scooter
harmonica racetrack parallel port vehicle part amplifier food blender
fighter-jet transport aircraft rocket plane freighter passenger airplane attack aircraft carrier
chopsticks sliding national flag smooth floppy disk drive steak knife
boom-box cassette deck radio armored command post carrier car racing air transportation vehicle
car-tire hose superintendent black and white television power supply projectile launcher indirect
ak47 shotgun grenade launcher small arm weapon weapons targeting system machine gun
tennis-shoes fish serving bowl producing musical sound terrestrial organism bendable
superman magician cavity interior teacher man made thing weapons targeting system
bathtub regular oven bath tub razor ambulation plumbing fixture
tennis-ball disc hand small arm tennis ball rice cooker
frisbee muffin pan serving tray roasting pan computer disk jewelry box
mushroom non human animal weather event plant woody cattle asian person
camel cattle walking running cliff herd animal equine animal
human-skeleton ballet dancer part of an hsc invertebrate icepick sentient
saddle ballroom bbq grill equine animal flight attendant table piece of furniture
top-hat medicine bottle carry on luggage compressed gas tank clothing item clothing accessory
dog grandparent cat veterinarian sensory event photographer
welding-mask administrative assistant stove top cooking pot bath tub bag singer
cockroach food utensil transport aircraft Air to surface missile chordata phylum spatial thing
spider flower arachnid alien low lying wetland spider hole
screwdriver two terminal electrical device projectile weapon fired battery charger ethernet cable hardware tool
skunk gully smooth bbq grill shotgun canine animal
bowling-pin mass communicating watercraft clothes steamer election campaign legislator
theodolite anti tank weapon electric wheelchair collectible business related thing body of water
eyeglasses bread pan airport terminal anti ship missile gas field ground vehicle
radio-telescope radio observatory powerlines glacier observatory backpacker
picnic-table cement truck septic tank container riding lawn mower dental drill
giraffe inanimate object juvenile human vehicle storage construct partially tangible barren region
traffic-light baking dish bread pan fish traffic light septic tank
palm-pilot computer memory board computer display collection display setting designer mooring dolphin
boxing-glove entertainer watercraft small intangible individual septic tank camera
ostrich salt marsh field bull male herd animal herd animal fjord
pram storm plain bull body of water missile watercraft
tuning-fork floppy disk drive afloat on water tongue depressor heating device sensor device
snail fire hose boy cavity hose mammal
hammock more than one person bath tub boat ship having an ending backpacker
pyramid observatory automobile battery ground to orbit vehicle guided ballistic missile clocktower
spoon intangible individual sensor ladle tennis racket pointy ended
hummingbird human preschooler intangible individual gym uneven bars airplane omnivore
swan electro magnetic radiation sensor organism surface to air missile swimmer helicopter carrier
computer-keyboard computer keyboard amplifier computer board single purpose device floor lamp
baseball-glove collectible manufactured goods carry on luggage cooler container able minded
joy-stick workplace power saw cutting device organism part cutter
praying-mantis open area kite rain storm as object dagger colin powell
bowling-ball bowling ball temporal thing sports pounding driving implement disc camera
mandolin bucket elevator information bearing thing gym rings ladle coal fields
canoe roof tractor powerlines golf course golfing area
chimp single doer action public debate trash bag electrical conductor spatial thing
stirrups bag athletic trainer actor in plays actor voice frame for picture or mirror
backpack carry on luggage golf bag exiting a vehicle computer bag housekeeper maid
fire-extinguisher fire extinguisher carpentry tool fixed wing aircraft food blender espresso machine
iguana barren region literate person ditch vegetation tropical setting
bear forest temperate underwater savannah airplane crash cattle domestic
frog electric skillet photographer baking dish mixture crustacean
drinking-straw selling organization voluntary body movement steak knife insurance agent blinds
conch seniors elderly clam hand herbivore grandparent
syringe speculum pipes flare pipe selling organization military weapon
microscope power saw espresso machine anti personnel mine power tool person with computer
ice-cream-cone vice president government official mass communicating flight attendant eating vessel animal body part
baseball-bat national flag hockey stick external part of building chaplain human high occupancy construct
goldfish spa intangible individual coal fields individual aquarium
horseshoe-crab waxed paper spider hole underwater clam visible light
flashlight usb computer cable cellphone drinking can sensor leg movement
segway scout member of scouting organization communication bus canis genus sales clerk pie pan
goat person with occupation practicing preparing rocket launching fjord spear
megaphone cyclone as object medical care provider weight nuclear weapon flight attendant
octopus flower mollusk juvenile animal sentient animal cardinal
necktie computer power supply purposeful physical action national flag master sergeant rank man in women's clothing
yo-yo symbolic thing businessman bowl eating helmet nuclear reactor cooling tower
computer-mouse nail clippers whale mouse port receiver light
tambourine serving tray barometer newborn baby mop baking dish
triceratops insurgent dreadnought couple donkey group of tangible things
fire-hydrant courtyard skilled person fire extinguisher natural obstacle social environment
basketball-hoop symbolic thing steam electric power generation complex facility generic lifeguard non us national flag
watermelon bread pan infant baking dish computer monitor black and white female animal
mussels food worker person associated with military activities alien sliding generic football player american
cactus plant marina sculpture soldier plant blo
rotary-phone road vehicle passenger compartment command vehicle golf player flat panel display media professional
bat finger cloud bull male herd animal small arm shotgun
playing-card path simple fighter plane positive dimensional thing greeting airplane landing
dice glider sound card path simple making musical sound human waste conversion device
doorknob ladle pipes wine glass sculptor wine bottle
frying-pan passenger compartment slow cooker military airplane luxury item physical contact situation
hot-air-balloon administrator balloonist transportation device unmanned admiral rank military agent
birdbath indoor sports venue prairie grandfather garden non
xylophone storage facility modern shelter construction communicating colonel rank turban headdress
paperclip radio observatory non us national flag measuring device key ring generalized transfer
minotaur ice cream man voluntary body movement rear admiral rank detective statue
duck rubble strewn area cat hang glider measured sports event action on object
unicorn pointy ended tennis guided ballistic missile writer dancing
ladder bell tower shelter facility serving vessel platform clothes steamer
grasshopper not very round object steppe obstruction female animal pipes
tennis-racket tennis racket pipeline serving vessel tennis lacrosse ball
socks sergeant major rank computer monitor black and white plastic bag nighttime event organized
coffin speaking to camera viny area trash container photograph eukaryotic organism
penguin skiing couple pointy ended pipe generic conduit walking
soccer-ball jew helmet projectile weapon fired object supporting furniture soccer
goose hammer for throwing rowboat transporting people speedboat hang glider
cannon tractor farm vehicle reconnaissance vehicle riding lawn mower straight
dumb-bell sloop air defense system food or drink preparation device dental drill cd rw drive
knife shotgun steak knife spy plane optical drive small arm weapon
mailbox body of water drinking vessel modern human residence cloud hose
soda-can path system collectible inanimate object celebrity political vehicle part
rifle military base attack helicopter machine gun transporter crash battlefield
wheelbarrow nuclear weapon wilderness area rowing shell purposeful physical action depression
snake plant woody radio observatory organism oyster altar boy
hot-dog air defense system basketball food vessel criminal gymnastics apparatus
skateboard single doer action shotgun food or drink private rank vandal
golf-ball space in ahoc airplane takeoff earth moving vehicle social occurrence construction
motorbikes-101 electric skillet cold temperature activity car racing electric wheelchair football player canadian
faces-easy-101 sales clerk pipe medical personnel state governor bodybuilder
car-side-101 traffic cop missile watercraft bus police car gymnasium facility
leopards-101 property window covering three dimensional thing shoehorn electromagnetic radiation
airplanes-101 waterway dangerous tangible thing take off flight home office marine control tower
sunflower-101 flower florist disco vice president government official serving vessel
grand-piano-101 digitizing tablet firefighting equipment anti tank guided weapon mop ambassador
bonsai-101 dreadnought cul de sac golfing area social environment lake
buddha-101 church clocktower sloop linear object tangible atomic bomb
helicopter-101 aircraft carrier rescue helicopter platform military take off flight attack aircraft carrier
hawksbill-101 lake golfing area marine snow skier waterway
ewer-101 person wearing a dress election campaign hunter mannequin food blender
trilobite-101 baking dish male animal manufacturing facility serving tray air defense gun
brain-101 disc person associated with religion jewelry box hollow clam
chandelier-101 elevator armored recovery vehicle equine animal justice of the peace partially intangible individual
watch-101 vibration through amedium sensor watercraft baking dish cutter soft terrain
kangaroo-101 bowl generic jetty donkey fjord rural area
ketch-101 sailing ship clocktower astronomical observatory building tall ship schooner
elephant-101 lance corporal rank scout member of scouting organization collision grounds of organization astronomical observatory building
menorah-101 locale social environment facility generic equine animal elevator
revolver-101 fighter combat automatic firearm grenade launcher electric lamp projectile weapon or launcher
dolphin-101 ocean whale sky attack aircraft carrier nuclear reactor cooling tower
llama-101 animal shelter matador bullfighter rocket launching spatial thing nighttime
crab-101 stream cultural thing direct fire weapon encountering something artifact
ibis-101 windy area contortionist wine glass bull male herd animal object
laptop-101 container computer computer display regular oven computer power supply
scorpion-101 bomber plane mollusk environment generic shellfish anti tank weapon
electric-guitar-101 hammer sea mammal local organization storm digitizing tablet
starfish-101 area with some wind trash compactor household forest temperate sandy desert running
umbrella-101 observatory grenade butler computer printer dotmatrix box the container