CS 10: Winter 2016

Lab Assignment 6: Connect Four
Due: Monday, March 7

Important organizational notes

For this assignment, you are permitted to work with one other student currently in the class. You do not have to work with someone else, but you have the option of doing so. If you choose to work with a partner, you will both get the same grade on the assignment.

There will be no penalty, in terms of points, for working together on this assignment. Please make sure that both of you submit the code electronically. When you submit on Blackboard, be sure to state the name of your partner in the comments section.

You should weigh whether you will get more out of this assignment working alone or with someone else. The choice is up to you.

If you choose to work with someone else, pick your partner carefully. Make sure that there are times that you are both available to work together. If you frequent the lab and you notice someone else who often is there when you are, that person might be a good choice as your partner.

General Instructions

Before you do anything, please read the entire assignment carefully. It contains suggestions which can save you a lot of struggle later on.

Background on Connect 4

Connect 4 is tic-tac-toe with gravity played on a board with 6 rows and 7 columns. As the name implies, the goal is to get 4 in a row (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally). The following is an image of a Connect 4 board taken from Wikipedia, where Red has just won:

Image of Connect4 Game Board

Checkers are dropped at the top of a column and fall until they reach the bottom or land on another checker.

An applet that lets you play against a Monte-Carlo implementation of the puzzle is on this web page. However, your solution should generally beat this program.

You are to write a game-tree search program using alpha-beta pruning to play Connect 4. The Kalah program gives you the general outline of such a program. I have provided three interfaces that you should use: Connect4State, Connect4View, and Player. These three files are combined in the zip file: provided.zip.

I have also provided you with a graphical user interface (and some other methods to be described later) in the jar file Connect4.jar. Download this file. To add this file to your project:

  1. Create a new project for your Connect 4 game.
  2. Go into the Eclipse menu and select Preferences. A window should open with Java Build Path as a choice. Click Click on it. One of them is Workspace. When you expand Workspace, one option is Linked Resources. Click on this. There should be a check box labeled "Enable linked resources". Check it if it is unchecked.
  3. Click on your your project in the Package Explorer window on the left side (mine is called Connect4), go to the File menu, and select Properties. A window should open.
  4. Click on "Java Build Path" in the list of choices on the left side of the window.
  5. Click on "Libraries" in the choices along the top of the window.
  6. Click on "Add External Jars..." and navigate to the file Connect4.jar. Select it and click "Open". The Jar file Connect4.jar should now be added to the build path.

Once you have done this you can create a Connect4ViewGraphical object for communication between your game and the world, using a default (no-parameter) constructor. (Playing it this way is a lot more fun that a text interface!)

One point about the graphical view: its reportMove puts the thread to sleep for a half a second. This prevents moves from occurring so quickly that you can't see where they were played. However, this also means that funny things can happen if your program changes the state that has been passed to the graphical view during that half second. Checkers can appear and disappear and jump around. If this happens make a copy of the state and pass that to the view, so that it will not be changed.

Programming Exercises

You should create the following classes, along with any other classes needed to implement them:

These should allow you to play Connect4.

One of the challenging aspects of this project is to create a good static evaluation function. For Kalah this was easy. For Connect 4 it will require a bit more thought and programming. Part of your grade is coming up with a reasonably good static evaluation function. Some things to consider when planning your static evaluation function:

Some things to be careful about

If you do not follow these conventions the graphical user interface will not work correctly.


You must test your static evaluation function separately. If you just plug in a static evaluation function into a game tree search and look ahead a bunch of moves you will never know if it is working correctly or not.

The easiest way that I found to handle this was to write a small main program in the Connect4Game class that created a game with two human players and a graphical or text view. While the game is not over it gets and makes moves, displaying the board and printing out the value of the static evaluation function after each move. Then you can compare the values to what you get by doing the calculation by hand.

You can also test the static evaluation function in the context of the search. Search one or two levels deep, and print out the board and the value each time the static evaluation function is called. (Use your text view.) This way you can make sure that the game tree search is correctly picking the best move. You can also print the low and high values from alpha-beta pruning to see if that is working correctly.

Test Runs to Turn In

Include a test run that shows a game between your human player and your computer player using your text view. You should also include demonstrations of your error handling for things like entering non-numbers or out of range numbers, etc.

Also include test runs that show that you have tested your static evaluation function and it works correctly, and that the game tree search picks the correct move when looking ahead 2 moves.

Extra Credit

Canvas submission

Submit electronically via Canvas the zip file of a folder that contains:

  1. all the java files needed to run your program, and
  2. the text produced by the test runs described above.

If you choose to do the extra credit, include those java files and text produced by their test runs also, but keep the extra credit files in a separate zip file from the regular ones so that any errors in your extra credit work will not affect your grade for the regular assignment. If some classes are used by both the regular assignment and the extra credit, include a separate copy of each shared file in each zip file.

If you work with a partner, please make sure that each of you submits via Canvas and be sure to state the name of your partner in the comments section.

Grading rubric

Total of 135 points

Correctness, Efficiency, and Elegance (85 points)

15Code compiles and runs
10Controller class
15Game state class
5Human player class
10Computer player class
10Correct implementation of game tree search with alpha-beta pruning
10Static evaluation function
10An implementation of View that uses text I/O

Structure (20 points)

10Good decomposition, proper separation into model/view/controller.
4Proper use of instance and local variables
2Instance variables are private
4Proper use of parameters

Style (15 points)

4Comments for classes
4Comments for methods (purpose, parameters, what is returned) in JavaDoc form.
2Good names for methods, variables, parameters
2Layout (blank lines, indentation, no line wraps, etc.)
3Other unspecified style issues

Testing (15 points)

10Include the test runs specified above. In particular show that your static evaluation function works correctly and that the game tree search works correctly for depth 2 lookahead.
5Demonstrate that the text view works for error and boundary cases

Extra Credit

15Player using Monte Carlo move choice
15Player using hybrid move choice
10An especially nice static evaluation function
10Improve alpha-beta pruning
10Speed up static evaluation and game-tree code
25Implement your own graphical view
25Beat my computer player at 16 lookahead (both directions), while using a comparable amount of time.
?Other interesting additions