import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; /** * Generic binary tree, storing data of a parametric type in each node * * @author Chris Bailey-Kellogg, Dartmouth CS 10, Fall 2012 * @author Scot Drysdale, Winter 2012. Numerous modifications. * @author Tom Cormen, Spring 2014. Several changes. */ public class BinaryTree { private BinaryTree left, right; // children, can be null private E data; /** * Construct a leaf node; left and right are null. */ public BinaryTree(E data) { = data; this.left = null; this.right = null; } /** * Construct a node with the given children. */ public BinaryTree(E data, BinaryTree left, BinaryTree right) { = data; this.left = left; this.right = right; } /** * Is it an internal node? */ public boolean isInternal() { return left != null || right != null; } /** * Is it a leaf node? */ public boolean isLeaf() { return left == null && right == null; } /** * Does it have a left child? */ public boolean hasLeft() { return left != null; } /** * Does it have a right child? */ public boolean hasRight() { return right != null; } /** * @return its left child */ public BinaryTree getLeft() { return left; } /** * @return its right child */ public BinaryTree getRight() { return right; } /** * Set its left child to be newLeft. * @param newLeft the new left child */ public void setLeft(BinaryTree newLeft) { left = newLeft; } /** * Sets its right child to be newRight. * @param newRight the new right child */ public void setRight(BinaryTree newRight) { right = newRight; } /** * @return its data value */ public E getValue() { return data; } /** * Set its data value. * @param newValue the new data value */ public void setValue(E newValue) { data = newValue; } /** * @return the number of nodes (internal and leaf) in the subtree rooted at this node. */ public int size() { return 1 + (hasLeft() ? left.size() : 0) + (hasRight() ? right.size() : 0); } /** * @return the length of a longest path to a leaf node from this node. */ public int height() { if (isLeaf()) return 0; else return 1 + Math.max(hasLeft() ? left.height() : 0, hasRight() ? right.height() : 0); } /** * @return true if the subtrees rooted at this node and other have the same structure and data, false otherwise */ public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other instanceof BinaryTree) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") BinaryTree t = (BinaryTree) other; return (hasLeft() == t.hasLeft() && hasRight() == t.hasRight() && data.equals( && (!hasLeft() || left.equals(t.left)) && (!hasRight() || right.equals(t.right))); } else return false; } /** * @return an ArrayList of the data in the leaves of the subtree rooted at this node, in order from left to right */ public ArrayList fringe() { ArrayList f = new ArrayList(); addToFringe(f); return f; } /** * Helper method for fringe, adding fringe data to the ArrayList. */ private void addToFringe(ArrayList fringe) { if (isLeaf()) fringe.add(data); else { if (hasLeft()) left.addToFringe(fringe); if (hasRight()) right.addToFringe(fringe); } } /** * @return a String representation of the subtree rooted at this node. */ public String toString() { return toStringHelper(""); } /** * Recursively construct a String representation of the subtree rooted at this node, * starting with the given indentation and indenting further going down the tree. * @param indent a String for indenting this node * @return the String representation */ private String toStringHelper(String indent) { String ret = ""; // If this node has children, indent them two more spaces than this node. if (hasRight()) ret += right.toStringHelper(indent + " "); ret += indent + data + "\n"; if (hasLeft()) ret += left.toStringHelper(indent + " "); return ret; // Could also write this method as // return (hasRight() ? right.toStringHelper(indent + " ") : "") // + (indent + data + "\n") // + (hasLeft() ? left.toStringHelper(indent + " ") : ""); } /** * Create a List storing the the data values in the subtree rooted at this node, * ordered according to the preorder traversal of the subtree. * @param dataList the list to be returned. */ public void preorder(List dataList) { dataList.add(data); if (this.hasLeft()) left.preorder(dataList); // recurse on left child if (this.hasRight()) right.preorder(dataList); // recurse on right child } /** * Create a List storing the the data values in the subtree rooted at this node, * ordered according to the inorder traversal of the subtree. * @param dataList the list to be returned. */ public void inorder(List dataList) { if (this.hasLeft()) left.inorder(dataList); // recurse on left child dataList.add(data); if (this.hasRight()) right.inorder(dataList); // recurse on right child } /** * Create a List storing the the data values in the subtree rooted at this node, * ordered according to the postorder traversal of the subtree. * @param dataList the list to be returned. */ public void postorder(List dataList) { if (this.hasLeft()) left.postorder(dataList); // recurse on left child if (this.hasRight()) right.postorder(dataList); // recurse on right child dataList.add(data); } /** * Reconstruct a tree from preorder and inorder traversals, assuming that * no value is repeated. * Precondition: the traversals are valid. (Otherwise need lots of error checks.) * @param preorder the preorder traversal * @param inorder the inorder traversal * @return the reconstructed tree */ public static BinaryTree reconstructTree (List preorder, List inorder) { if (preorder.size() > 0) { // is this tree non-empty? // Create iterators to walk through lists and new lists for recursive calls. Iterator iterPre = preorder.iterator(); Iterator iterIn = inorder.iterator(); List leftPre = new LinkedList(); // left subtree in preorder List rightPre = new LinkedList(); // right subtree in preorder List leftIn = new LinkedList(); // left subtree in inorder List rightIn = new LinkedList(); // right subtree in inorder E rootValue =; // the first value in the preorder list is from the root E inValue =; // Find values in the left subtree and copy them into leftPre and leftIn. while (!rootValue.equals(inValue)) { // Because the root appears before the left subtree, the iteration through // the preorder list needs to be one spot ahead of the iteration through // the inorder list. leftPre.add(; leftIn.add(inValue); inValue =; } // Recursively reconstruct the left subtree. BinaryTree leftSubtree = reconstructTree(leftPre, leftIn); // Copy values in the right subtree into rightPre and rightIn. // The iteration through the inorder list has caught up to the preorder // list's iteration. In other words, the next values in each of these // lists come from the right subtree. while (iterPre.hasNext()) { rightPre.add(; rightIn.add(; } // Recursively reconstruct the right subtree. BinaryTree rightSubtree = reconstructTree(rightPre, rightIn); // Put the two reconstructed subtrees together with the root, // and return the resulting tree. return new BinaryTree(rootValue, leftSubtree, rightSubtree); } else return null; // empty tree in this case } /** * Testing program */ public static void main(String [] args) { BinaryTree tree = new BinaryTree(3, new BinaryTree(2, new BinaryTree(4), new BinaryTree(1, new BinaryTree(6), null)), new BinaryTree(7, new BinaryTree(5), null)); // Some tests of methods. System.out.println("tree: \n" + tree); System.out.println("Size of tree = " + tree.size()); System.out.println("Height of tree = " + tree.height()); System.out.println("Fringe of tree = " + tree.fringe()); // Build a tree from traversals. List preList = new LinkedList(); tree.preorder(preList); System.out.println("Preorder traversal of the tree = " + preList); List inList = new LinkedList(); tree.inorder(inList); System.out.println("Inorder traversal of the tree = " + inList); List postList = new LinkedList(); tree.postorder(postList); System.out.println("Postorder traversal of the tree = " + postList); BinaryTree tree1 = reconstructTree(preList, inList); System.out.println("tree1: \n" + tree1); System.out.println("tree and tree1 are equal? " + tree.equals(tree1)); tree1.getRight().setValue(8); System.out.println("tree: \n" + tree); System.out.println("modified tree1: \n" + tree1); System.out.println("tree and tree1 are equal? " + tree.equals(tree1)); BinaryTree tree2 = reconstructTree(preList, inList); tree2.getLeft().setLeft(null); System.out.println("tree2: \n" + tree2); System.out.println("Size of tree2 = " + tree2.size()); System.out.println("Height of tree2 = " + tree2.height()); System.out.println("Fringe of tree2 = " + tree2.fringe()); System.out.println("tree and tree2 are equal? " + tree.equals(tree2)); } }