/** * This class defines expressions that are sums. * You must use Sum.make to construct an instance of this class. * * @author Scot Drysdale */ public class Sum extends BinaryOp { /** * Construct the sum: first + second. * @param first the first expression * @param second the second expression */ private Sum(Expression first, Expression second) { super(first, second); } /** * Creates the sum of first and second, but simplifies if possible. * @param first the first expression * @param second the second expression * @return the simplified sum */ public static Expression make(Expression first, Expression second) { if (first instanceof Constant && second instanceof Constant) return Constant.define(first.eval() + second.eval()); else if (first instanceof Constant && first.eval() == 0.0) return second; else if (second instanceof Constant && second.eval() == 0.0) return first; else return new Sum(first, second); } /** * Computes the sum of the arguments. * @param firstOp the first operand * @param secondOp the second operand * @return the sum of firstOp and secondOp */ public double doOperation(double firstOp, double secondOp) { return firstOp + secondOp; } /** * Returns the symbol representing addition. * @return string representing addition */ public String getOperator() { return " + "; } /** * Take the derivative of this sum. * @param v the variable with respect to which the derivative is taken * @return the derivative of this sum with respect to the variable v */ public Expression deriv(String v) { return Sum.make(getFirst().deriv(v), getSecond().deriv(v)); } }