import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.*; /** * Lays out the frame and buttons for the maze solver. * Borrows from and * * @author Scot Drysdale * @see MazePanel */ public class MazeFrame extends JFrame { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private MazePanel mazeCanvas; // Holds the drawing canvas private JButton solveButton; // Holds the button for solving maze private Timer timer; // Holds the timer object solving maze private JRadioButton stackButton; // Solve the maze using a stack? private JRadioButton queueButton; // using a queue? private JRadioButton distButton; // using a distance-based priority queue? private JRadioButton aStarButton; // using an A*-based priority queue? private Maze maze; // The maze to be solved private char [][] mazeText; // The last maze read from a file /** * Constructs the frame and its buttons */ public MazeFrame() { JButton stepButton; // Holds the button to do next search step JButton clearButton; // Clear the current maze JButton readButton; // Read in a new maze from text file final int DEFAULT_FRAME_HEIGHT = 600; final int DEFAULT_FRAME_WIDTH = 500; final int DELAY = 100; // Delay in milliseconds between steps setSize(DEFAULT_FRAME_WIDTH, DEFAULT_FRAME_HEIGHT); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); maze = null; // No maze yet mazeText = null; StepListener stepListener = new StepListener(); timer = new Timer (DELAY, stepListener); RadioListener radioListener = new RadioListener(); // construct components mazeCanvas = new MazePanel(); stepButton = new JButton("Step"); stepButton.setToolTipText("Do one step in solving the maze"); stepButton.addActionListener(stepListener); solveButton = new JButton("Solve"); solveButton.setToolTipText("Solve the maze"); solveButton.addActionListener(new SolveListener()); readButton = new JButton("Read"); readButton.setToolTipText("Read a new maze from a file"); readButton.addActionListener(new ReadListener()); clearButton = new JButton("Clear"); clearButton.setToolTipText("Clear the maze so can be re-solved"); clearButton.addActionListener(radioListener); // add components to the controlButtonPanel. As a JFrame it uses // the Flow Layout manager. JPanel controlButtonPanel = new JPanel(); // To group the buttons controlButtonPanel.add(readButton); controlButtonPanel.add(clearButton); controlButtonPanel.add(stepButton); controlButtonPanel.add(solveButton); // Radio buttons for the solver type. Initially, stack is selected. stackButton = new JRadioButton("Stack"); stackButton.setSelected(true); stackButton.setToolTipText("Solves the maze using a stack"); stackButton.addActionListener(radioListener); queueButton = new JRadioButton("Queue"); queueButton.setToolTipText("Solves the maze using a queue"); queueButton.addActionListener(radioListener); distButton = new JRadioButton("Distance"); distButton.setToolTipText("Solves the maze using a distance-based priority queue"); distButton.addActionListener(radioListener); aStarButton = new JRadioButton("A*"); aStarButton.setToolTipText("Solves the maze using an A*-based priority queue"); aStarButton.addActionListener(radioListener); // Add the radio buttons to a button group to ensure that // only one button is selected at a time. ButtonGroup solveGroup = new ButtonGroup(); solveGroup.add(stackButton); solveGroup.add(queueButton); solveGroup.add(distButton); solveGroup.add(aStarButton); // A panel for the radio buttons. Put a titled and etched border around it. JPanel radioGroupPanel = new JPanel(); radioGroupPanel.add(stackButton); radioGroupPanel.add(queueButton); radioGroupPanel.add(distButton); radioGroupPanel.add(aStarButton); radioGroupPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder(new EtchedBorder(), "Solution approach")); // Line up the component panels. // Make the control buttons and radio buttons panels line up vertically, using // a Box Layout manager. JPanel southPanel = new JPanel(); southPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(southPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); southPanel.add(controlButtonPanel); southPanel.add(radioGroupPanel); // Add the two remaining panels to the content pane. Container contentPane = getContentPane(); contentPane.add(mazeCanvas, BorderLayout.CENTER); contentPane.add(southPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); } /** * Handle step and timer events. Performs one step of the maze * search (unless the search is already finished). */ private class StepListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { if(maze == null || maze.searchDone()) { timer.stop(); // No need to run after maze is solved solveButton.setText("Solve"); } else maze.stepMaze(); repaint(); } } /** * Handle solve button - toggle timer on/off and label solve/pause */ private class SolveListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { if(timer.isRunning()) { timer.stop(); solveButton.setText("Solve"); } else { timer.start(); solveButton.setText("Pause"); } } } /** * Handle read button */ private class ReadListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { mazeText = MazeIO.readMaze("/Users/scot/Documents/Workspace/Maze/src/mazes"); createMaze(); } } /** * Handle radio buttons (also works for clear button)\ */ private class RadioListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { createMaze(); } } /** * Creates a new maze given the current radio buttons and mazeText */ private void createMaze() { if (mazeText == null) maze = null; // Cannot create a maze if text is bad else { Sequencer seq = null; // The sequencer to be used to solve the maze if (stackButton.isSelected()) seq = new StackSequencer(); else if (queueButton.isSelected()) seq = new QueueSequencer(); else if (distButton.isSelected()) seq = new DistSequencer(); else if (aStarButton.isSelected()) seq = new AStarSequencer(); else System.err.println("Error in - no radio button selected"); // We want to construct a maze, but because we can have errors in the // text field we first ask if we make a valid maze. Maze maybeMaze = new Maze(mazeText, seq); if (maybeMaze.isValid()) maze = maybeMaze; else { maze = null; mazeText = null; // Don't want to get error messages each button click. } } mazeCanvas.setMaze(maze); // Let the drawing canvas know the new maze repaint(); } }