import java.util.Scanner; /** * Plays the game of Chips. The game starts with a pile containing an odd * number of chips. The first player can take between 1 and half of the pile. * The players then alternate, taking between 1 and twice the number of chips * that the other player took on the previous move. When no chips are left, * the player who took an even number of chips wins. * * Based on earlier versions written by Scot Drysdale and THC. * * @author Scot Drysdale */ public class Chips { public static void main(String[] args) { String response; // Holds the answer to the question asked below Scanner input = new Scanner(; // To read input do { playAGame(); System.out.print("\n\nWant to play another game (\"yes\" if you do)? "); response = input.nextLine(); } while ((response.toLowerCase()).equals("yes")); } /** * Plays a single game of Chips */ private static void playAGame() { Game chipsGame; // State of the Chips game Player player1, player2; // Player objects for the players Scanner input = new Scanner(; // To read input player1 = makePlayer("What is the first player's name? ", input); player2 = makePlayer("What is the second player's name? ", input); int initChips = Game.inputInitChips(); // Initial number of chips in the pile. System.out.println(); chipsGame = new Game(initChips, player1, player2); // The main loop makes moves until the game is over. while (!chipsGame.isOver()) { Player currentPlayer = chipsGame.getPlayerToMove(); describeState(currentPlayer, chipsGame.getOtherPlayer(), chipsGame.getNumChips()); int move = currentPlayer.getMove(chipsGame); // Report move made System.out.print(currentPlayer.getName() + " takes " + move + " chip"); if (move != 1) System.out.print("s"); System.out.println(); chipsGame.makeMove(move); System.out.println(); } // All done, so announce the winner. System.out.println("* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"); printPlayerCount(chipsGame.getPlayerToMove()); printPlayerCount(chipsGame.getOtherPlayer()); System.out.println(chipsGame.getWinner().getName() + " wins!"); } /** * Gets a player's name (after prompting) and constructs the player. * Computer player if name contains ComputerPlayer.COMPUTER_NAME * Otherwise human player. * @param prompt message requesting a name * @param input the Scanner to read from * @return a Player with the given name (possibly a computer player). */ public static Player makePlayer(String prompt, Scanner input) { System.out.print(prompt); String name = input.nextLine(); if (name.contains(ComputerPlayer.COMPUTER_NAME)) return new ComputerPlayer(name); else return new HumanPlayer(name); } /** * Describe the state of the game: how many chips remain, how many chips * each player has, and whose turn it is. * @param player1 first player * @param player2 second player * @param chips number of chips remaining */ // public static void describeState(Player player1, Player player2, int chips) { System.out.println("It is " + player1.getName() + "'s move."); if (chips == 1) System.out.println("There is 1 chip remaining."); else System.out.println("There are " + chips + " chips remaining."); printPlayerCount(player1); printPlayerCount(player2); } /* * Print out how many chips a player has. */ private static void printPlayerCount(Player thePlayer) { System.out.print(thePlayer.getName() + " has " + thePlayer.getChips() + " chip"); if (thePlayer.getChips() != 1) System.out.print("s"); System.out.println("."); } }