/** * Holds information about a player in the chips game. * Based on earlier versions written by Scot Drysdale and THC. * * @author Scot Drysdale */ public class ComputerPlayer extends Player { public static String COMPUTER_NAME = "Computer"; /** * Constructs a computer player */ public ComputerPlayer(String name) { super(name); } /** * Constructs a computer player with the given number of chips * @param chips number of chips that this player has */ public ComputerPlayer(String name, int chips) { super(name, chips); } /** * Find the best move, using game tree search */ public int getMove(Game state) { int move = pickBestMove(state.makeCopy()); // If can't find a winning move, make a random move. if (move == 0) return 1 + (int) (Math.random() * state.getMaxMove()); else return move; } /** * Returns a winning move for the current player if can find one, else 0 * if all moves lose * @param state the state of this Chips game * @return a winning move, or 0 if none exists */ private static int pickBestMove(Game state) { // Try moves from maximum first looking for a winning move for (int move = state.getMaxMove(); move > 0; move--) { // Don't want to change current state, so make copy Game newState = state.makeCopy(); newState.makeMove(move); // Make the move on the copy made if (newState.isOver()) { if (newState.getWinner() == newState.getOtherPlayer()) return move; // Winner was player who just made move } else if (pickBestMove(newState) == 0) // No winning move for other player? return move; // If other player can't win, then I can } return 0; // No winning move found, so current player loses } /** * Makes a copy of the current player * Could have used clone(), had we studied it. */ public Player makeCopy() { return new ComputerPlayer(getName(), getChips()); } }