import java.util.Scanner; /** * Represents the state of a game of Chips. * Comments describing the game are in * * Based on earlier versions written by Scot Drysdale and THC. * * @author Scot Drysdale */ public class Game { // Instance variables. private int chips; // Number of chips left private int maxMove; // Max number of chips in next legal move private Player playerToMove; // Player whose turn it is to move private Player otherPlayer; // Player who does not move next /** * Initialize the state of the game: * @param numChips the number of chips in the pile * @param player1 the first player * @param player2 the second player */ public Game(int numChips, Player player1, Player player2) { chips = numChips; maxMove = chips / 2; playerToMove = player1; otherPlayer = player2; } /** * Return current number of chips in the pile * @return number of chips in the pile */ public int getNumChips() { return chips; } /** * Return which player's move it is * @return the play whose move it is */ public Player getPlayerToMove() { return playerToMove; } /** * Return other player * @return the player not on move */ public Player getOtherPlayer() { return otherPlayer; } /** * Return the maximum number of chips that the current player can take * @return the maximum number of chips that can be taken this move */ public int getMaxMove() { return maxMove; } /** * Is the game is over? * @return true if the game is over */ public boolean isOver() { return chips == 0; } /** * Update the state of the game based on a move. * Assumes that move is legal. * @param move the move to make */ public void makeMove(int move) { chips -= move; // Remove the chips taken from the pile playerToMove.addChips(move); // and update player's pile // Change whose move it is. Player temp = playerToMove; playerToMove = otherPlayer; otherPlayer = temp; // And update the max legal move for the next turn. maxMove = Math.min(chips, 2 * move); } /** * Which player won the game? * @return the winning player */ public Player getWinner() { // The winner is the player with an even number of chips. if (playerToMove.getChips() % 2 == 0) return playerToMove; else return otherPlayer; } /** * Input a valid number of chips for the initial pile. * It is static so that it can be called before the game object exists. * @return the number of chips chosen */ public static int inputInitChips() { final int MIN_CHIPS = 3; // Have to start with at least 3 chips Scanner input = new Scanner(; System.out.print("How many chips does the initial pile contain? "); int chips = input.nextInt(); while (chips < MIN_CHIPS || chips % 2 == 0) { if (chips < MIN_CHIPS) System.out.print("You have to start with at least " + MIN_CHIPS + " chips. Choose another number: "); else System.out.print("You have to start with an odd number of chips. " + "Choose another number: "); chips = input.nextInt(); } return chips; } /** * @return a copy of the game */ public Game makeCopy() { Game copy = new Game(chips, playerToMove.makeCopy(), otherPlayer.makeCopy()); copy.maxMove = maxMove; return copy; } }