package edu.dartmouth.cs.kalah; /** * Implements a computer player that chooses moves using * game tree search with alpha-beta pruning * @author Scot Drysdale, 2011 */ public class ComputerKalahPlayerAB extends KalahPlayer { private int depth; // The amount to look ahead /** * @param name player's name * @param lookahead Number of moves to look ahead in search */ public ComputerKalahPlayerAB(String name, int lookahead) { super(name); depth = lookahead; } @Override public int getMove(KalahGame state, KalahView view) { // Returns the computer play's choice using alpha-beta search int move = pickMove(state, depth, -Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE).move; view.reportMove((move - state.getPlayerNum() * 7), state.getPlayerToMove().getName()); return move; } /** * Uses game tree search with alpha-beta pruning to pick player's move * low and high define the current range for the best move. * The current player has another move choice which will get him at least low, * and his opponent has another choice that will hold his losses to high. * * @param state current state of the game * @param depth number of moves to look ahead in game tree search * @param low a value that the player can achieve by some other move * @param high a value that the opponent can force by a different line of play * @return the move chosen */ private KalahMove pickMove (KalahGame state, int depth, int low, int high) { KalahMove currentMove; // Hold current move and its value KalahMove bestMove; // Hold best move found and its value int playerKalah, opponentKalah; // Keep track of whose kalah is whose int [] board = state.getBoard(); int playerToMove = state.getPlayerNum(); playerKalah = state.getPlayerNum() * KalahGame.HALFPITS; opponentKalah = KalahGame.HALFPITS - playerKalah; // A dummy move that will be replaced when a real move is evaluated, // so the pit number is irrelevant. bestMove = new KalahMove(-Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0); // Run through possible moves for (int pit = playerKalah + 1; bestMove.value < high && pit <= playerKalah + KalahGame.SIDEPITS; pit++) if (board[pit] > 0) // See if legal move { // Make a scratch copy of state KalahGame copy = new KalahGame(playerToMove, state.getPlayers(), board); copy.makeMove(pit); // Make the move // Find the value of this board by evaluating if game over or looking ahead if not if (copy.gameIsOver()) // Evaluate the true score, and multiply it by a huge constant so that the // program will choose a sure win over a potentially larger speculative win // and a possible loss over a sure loss. currentMove = new KalahMove(100 * copy.score(), pit); else if (playerToMove == copy.getPlayerNum()) // Did current player change? { currentMove = pickMove(copy, depth, low, high); // No, so no depth change currentMove.move = pit; // Remember move made } else if (depth > 0) // Player changed, so reduce search depth { currentMove = pickMove(copy, depth - 1, -high, -low); currentMove.value = -currentMove.value; // Good for opponent is bad for me currentMove.move = pit; // Remember move made } else // Depth exhausted, so estimate who is winning by comparing kalahs currentMove = new KalahMove(copy.getBoard()[playerKalah] - copy.getBoard()[opponentKalah], pit); if (currentMove.value > bestMove.value) { // Found a new best move? bestMove = currentMove; low = Math.max(low, bestMove.value); // Update the low value, also } } return bestMove; } }