package edu.dartmouth.cs.kalah; /** * * * @author Scot Drysdale on 7/2011 * * A graphical implementation of the "view" part of a model-view-controller * version of a Kalah program. (See for history.) * See KalahView interface for comments on the required methods. */ import javax.swing.*; import edu.dartmouth.cs.kalah.KalahGame; public class KalahViewGraphical implements KalahView { private final int DEFAULT_FRAME_WIDTH = 620; private final int DEFAULT_FRAME_HEIGHT = 150; private KalahFrame frame; // Holds the graphical representation public KalahViewGraphical (){ frame = new KalahFrame(); frame.setTitle("Kalah"); frame.setVisible(true); frame.setSize(DEFAULT_FRAME_WIDTH, DEFAULT_FRAME_HEIGHT); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); } @Override public void display (KalahGame state) { frame.display(state); } @Override public int getUserMove(KalahGame state) { int [] board = state.getBoard(); frame.moveChosen = -1; // Set to an invalid value while (frame.moveChosen == -1) { // Busy wait for button to be pushed. while (frame.moveChosen == -1) { CSJavaLib.pause(100); // Wait 100 msec before checking again } // Verify that the move is valid if ((frame.moveChosen < 1 + state.getPlayerNum()*KalahGame.HALFPITS) || (frame.moveChosen > KalahGame.SIDEPITS + state.getPlayerNum()*KalahGame.HALFPITS) || (board[frame.moveChosen] == 0)) frame.moveChosen = -1; } return frame.moveChosen; } /** * Returns the answer to a question, whose answer is a String * @param question The question to be asked * @return The answer to the question */ public String getAnswer(String question) { String inputValue = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(question); return inputValue; } /** * Returns the answer to a question, whose answer is an int * @param question The question to be asked * @return The answer to the question */ public int getIntAnswer(String question) { boolean valid = false; // Has a valid number been read? int answer = 0; // The answer to the question while(!valid) { // Asks user for a number String inputValue = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(question); try { answer = Integer.parseInt(inputValue); valid = true; // If got to here we have a valid integer } catch(NumberFormatException ex) { reportToUser("\"" + inputValue + "\" is not a valid integer"); valid = false; } } return answer; } @Override public void reportToUser(String message) { // Reports something to the user JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message, message, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } @Override public void reportMove(int bestMove, String name) { // JOptionPane.showInternalMessageDialog(southFrame, (name + " empties pit " + bestMove), // (name + " empties pit " + bestMove), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); CSJavaLib.pause(500); } }