Finish Balanced Binary Search Tree deletion and B-Trees
Implementing a map using a sorted array gives a very efficient
operation via binary search (O(log n)). However, insertions and deletions are
Implementing a map using a doubly linked list is very efficient for insertions
and deletions (O(1)). But get
is (O(n)).
We saw a way to solve this problem using binary search trees. But is there a way that we can use a sorted doubly linked list and still get fast lookup?
One way is to build a special sort of indexing structure of lists. The bottommost list keeps all of the elements in sorted order, with end markers -INF and INF. Each successive level "skips" every second item, with links between items with the same value in successive levels. So we have horizontal linked lists of elements and vertical towers of the same element. Such a structure is shown below.
So how can we search in this structure, say to find 61? Start at the upper left corner. Search through the topmost list until we find something bigger than 61. That isn't hard; INF is the first thing that we see. So back up, go down a level, and search that list. This time we find 80, back up, and drop to list S2 at -INF. We go past 15 and find 80. We back up to 15, drop down a level to 15 in S1, and start searching. We skip over 50 and stop at 80. We back up to 50 and drop to 50 in S0. The next item is 61, which is not bigger than 61, so we go to 80, back up to 61, and discover that there is nothing to drop down to. Therefore we have found the biggest item less than or equal to 61, and it is indeed 61. (If we were looking for 60 we would stop at 61, back up to 50, realize that is no level to drop down to, and therefore that 60 is not in the list.)
So how long does this take? Well, there are 1 + log2 n levels, because log2 n is precisely the number of times that we can divide n by 2 before we get down to a single item. How much time do we spend on each level? We look at 1 item or 2 items. When we find something bigger and back up there was at most one item between the corresponding items at the next level down. So we look at it and drop down, or skip over it and find the same item that made us drop down from the level above. So we compare to at most 2(1 + log2 n) items.
But doesn't this take a lot of space? After all, we have a tower of log2 n 80's. That is true, but it doesn't matter. We have n things in S0, n/2 things in S1, and in general n/2k things in Sk. Summing all of these gives 2n-1. We also have 2(1 + log2 n) end markers. but the whole thing is Θ(n).
Great. But how does this help us? We can do better with a sorted array and binary search. How about inserting and deleting? To insert first do a search, and insert after the thing found in S0. To delete find the thing and then delete it and its tower (if any) from S0 and all of the lists above where it appears. So insertion is O(1) after search and deletion is O(log n) after search because we can do a deletion on each level and deleting from a doubly linked list is O(1).
But wait a second. Inserting or deleting this way will mess up the structure. After a bunch of insertions and deletions we may end up with not much more than S0 and end markers for higher levels. That is no good.
We don't change our search or deletion algorithms, but we do need to build some new towers when we insert. We do this by flipping a coin. We always insert in S0. We then flip a coin. If it is heads we insert into S1 as well and flip another coin. We continue inserting in the next level up until we get a tail, and then stop. DEMONSTRATE building a structure in class.
We no longer have the nice structure that we had before, but we are close.
Could we end up with a really horrible structure? Yes. We could keep flipping heads for an arbitrarily long time. It is very unlikely, but it is possible. Or we could keep getting tails and end up with only S0, which would make searching O(n). But in the expected case we have O(log n) insertion, deletion, and searching. And note that, unlike binary search trees, the run time does not depend on the data. It depends on coin flips. So there are not good data sets and bad data sets. All data sets are equivalent. There are good and bad series of coin tosses. This is an example of a randomized algorithm.
The book notes that there are optimizations that can be made. With a bit of care we can make do with singly linked lists, because that is all we need for search and with a bit of extra effort we can insert and delete on the way down. Deletion is easy. When you find the item on some level just delete it on that level and on each subsequent level on the way down. (You need to remember your predecessor as well as your current in the list, or use a currentPred that points to the precessor of the item that you think of as current, as we did in PS-2.) Insertion is no harder. When you go to insert first do the coin flips to see how high the tower will be, and then when you get to the appropriate level begin inserting in each list as you go past it.
But what happens to the expected height, the expected run time, and the expected size? It takes some probability to see it, but they all end up being the same as in the non-randomized case! The book does these analyses, and has better typesetting capabilities than I am going to use in HTML for rough class notes, so look there. But here is the outline:
The height of the structure (number of lists) is expected to be 2 + log2 n. I do the exact analysis in a grad algorithms course in the section on randomized algorithms, but that takes a bit more probability than we expect you to have. But we do note that the probability of a particular item appearing in list Sk is 2-k. That is because to appear in list Sk we need to have k successive heads, each of which has probability 1/2. The probability that one of n items has height t is certainly no larger than n 2-k (by what is called the "union bound", which says that the probability of at least one of a set of events occurring is at most the sum of the probabilities of each event occurring). But in that case the probability that the height is greater than c log2 n is at most n 2-c log2 n = n/nc = 1/nc-1. So the probability that the height is bigger than 5 log2 n is no larger than 1/n4.
The book also notes that you can arbitrarily limit the height of the structure to something like max (10, 3 log2 n) without messing up the analysis too much. If you get that many heads in a row you just stop flipping, so if you like you can guarantee that the structure has height O(log n).
The size is easier to analyze. How many items do we expect on level Sk? We noted above that a given item appears on level k with probability 2-k, because we need to have k successive heads to do this. Let xi,k be 1 if item i appears on level k and 0 otherwise. Then the number of items that appear on level k is x1,k + x2,k + ... + xn,k. So the expected number of items on level k is
E(x1,k + x2,k + ... + xn,k),
where E denotes the expected value (mean). By a very powerful theorem called linearity of expectation we know that the expectation (mean) of a sum is the sum of the expectations. ThereforeE(x1,k + x2,k + ... + xn,k) = E(x1,k) + E(x2,k) + ... + E(xn,k)
But E(xi,k) = 2-k, because with this probability xn,k is 1 and it is 0 otherwise. This gives the expected number of items in Sk as n/2k, which is exactly the number of items that were in Sk in the non-probabilistic version. The sum of this quantitiy over the levels from 0 to infinity is 2n. So the skip list is expected to take linear space.
The argument above will be much clearer after you take CS 30. A substantial part of that course deals with probability.
What about the number of comparisons on a given level? If we go past an item on level Sk it is because the item was not promoted to Sk+1. (If it had been we would have passed it when we saw it on that level, and would not be looking at it now.) Therefore the coin flip when we inserted it at this level must have been a tail, and the probability of passing by an item without dropping down is 1/2. The probability of dropping down is also 1/2. So we want to know the expected number of such items that we will encounter on a given level. This is the same as asking the number of times that we flip a coin before we get a head, and that is 2, so the expected run time is 2 times the height. (In general the number of times that we expect to repeat an action before we "succeed" when the probability of success is p is 1/p. So if you roll a die until you get a 2 the probability of success is 1/6 and the expected number of rolls is 6. This is another fact covered in CS 30.)