CS 10: Winter 2016

Short Assignment 8
Due: Friday, February 5


In this assignment you will add the class Negate to the collection of classes that implement the Expression interface. It should represent unary minus, which negates the Expression referenced by the single instance variable in the Negate class. That is, its eval method should call eval on its expression (its unary operand) and then return the negation of the result. If the operand evaluates to 6, eval should return -6. If the operand evaluates to -5, eval should return 5. Also, the derivative of a Negate will be the Negate of the derivative of its expression.

A unary minus will let us represent expressions like "-x". Currently the only way to express this would be "0-x" using the binary subtraction operation. With the Negate class we could represent it by the Expression created by calling Negate.make(Variable.define("x")).

You need to modify and add to my code, all of which you can get by downloading sa8src.zip.

Negate should implement the two required methods (in the Expression interface), along with toString and make. Its constructor should be private, like the Constructors of the classes that I provided.

After you get Negate working you should modify the make methods of the other classes to take it into account. One change that you are required to make is that all constants be non-negative. For example, Constant.define(-6) should return a Negate object whose operand is a Constant whose value is 6. There are a number of other changes that make sense. For instance, would you ever write: "3 + (-x)" or "-(-x)" or "-x * (-y)" or "-0"? I am not expecting you to implement every possible simplification, but you should be able to come up with a half dozen or so simplifications.

You should also add a static method to ExpressionDriver.java to allow the main program to call negate rather than Negate.make. You should not make changes to other classes except in their make or define methods.

An attempt to clarify a point of confusion

In the past this short assignment has caused some confusion. An expression is represented by a tree. This way we can use the expression as an operand in larger expressions and perform operations like taking the derivative of the expression. The tree is build up of objects whose classes implement the Expression interface. In the code that you are given the nodes of type Expression have either two children (the four binary operations) or no children (variables and constants).

Negate is a unary operator. It has one operand, unlike binary operators that have two operands. A Negate object is therefore a node in an Expression tree with one child that is another Expression. The make method in Negate should have one parameter that is an Expression. You normally construct and return a Negate object with the Expression saved in its instance variable. In this case you should not modify the parameter at all. However, if the parameter is a Negate object you are negating a negated expression, e.g. (-(-x)). The two negations should cancel, so in this example you would want to just return a node representing the variable x. In general you would want to return the operand of the Negate object that is the parameter.

Canvas submission

Test your code by modifying the main method of ExpressionDriver.java. Try to create a convincing set of tests.

Submit via Canvas the zip file of a folder that contains all java files (including the ones that you didn't have to modify) and the screenshot (or copied file) of a test run.