/* driver loader is used to install the driver via service manager usage is simple: load driver_name driver_display_name path you can use loadhook.bat the code is very simple here and this is one way how to load the driver there is not much to explain if you are familiar with windows services */ #include #include int main(int argc,char **argv) { printf("Load Driver\n"); HANDLE scm=OpenSCManager(NULL,NULL,SC_MANAGER_CREATE_SERVICE); if(scm) { printf("Create Service\n"); HANDLE svc=CreateService(scm,argv[1],argv[2],SERVICE_START | DELETE | SERVICE_STOP,SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER, SERVICE_DEMAND_START,SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE,argv[3],NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if(!svc) svc=OpenService(scm,argv[1],SERVICE_START | DELETE | SERVICE_STOP); if(svc) { printf("Starting service\n"); StartService(svc,0,NULL); printf("Creating communication device ...\n"); char buf[256]; /* for MSTS we need to use Global namespace to access our device */ if ((GetVersion()&0xFF)>=5) sprintf(buf,"\\\\.\\Global\\%s\0",argv[1]); else sprintf(buf,"\\\\.\\%s\0",argv[1]); HANDLE dev=CreateFile(buf,GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,0,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,0,NULL); if (dev==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) dev=0; if (dev) { printf("Press Enter to send close device handle\n"); getchar(); CloseHandle(dev); } else printf("error: unable to create communication device\n"); printf("Press Enter to stop and delete service \n"); getchar(); SERVICE_STATUS status; ControlService(svc,SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP,&status); DeleteService(svc); CloseServiceHandle(svc); } else printf("error: unable to create/open service\n"); CloseServiceHandle(scm); } else printf("error: unable to open manager\n"); return 0; }