Groundhog 92
Last modified: 07/27/01 04:41:24 PM
Race Report---1992 Groundhog Fall 50. [running]
Punxsutawney, PA.
September 12, 1992.
50 miles, 6200' total climb. (two laps on a 25 mile course)
Almost entirely trails and right-of-way.
- Five months between ultras is too long---I almost had a full set of
toenails! (But Saturday took care of that.)
- In the traditional Friday night introductions, J.D. Smith
said he was going to use the order he likes best...which was Smiths
first, then everyone else A-Z.
- Nancy had a great time, and finished in 12:11. Everyone seems to
know her. I've become ``Nancy's husband.''
(Dialogue at Sunday breakfast:
- Big Ed: Good morning, Nancy! How did you do? Did you
- N: Yes! By the way, have you met my husband Sean?
- Big Ed: Nice to meet you! Did you run too?)
- Despite getting a personal invitation from David Horton to come
run Masochists, she's determined not to run another ultra...
...until she's trained enough to do it justice. She's talking
about a Groundhog Day Dawn-to-Dusk directed by one of her
new friends (Bill Beck), followed by Wild Oak.
- Due to landowner problems (after the Tar Pits) and strip mining
(Water Tower Hill is now Water Tower Gulch) the course had to be
changed, generally by replacing long road segments with more trails.
Also, in the penultimate segment (after Adrian Mines), rather
than going right across the metal sheet, you head straight through
the now reclaimed mine area and then right up a long paved hill.
(Then left through the farm, and on in the usual way.)
The total climb is still the same, though.
The consensus is the new version is harder---times were generally
slower than last year's.
Personally, I like the new version better. More trails and less
direct sun.
- Weather: cold and foggy in the morning loop. (5AM temp: 45F)
Beautiful moon, though! Warmer in the afternoon---maybe 70.
- The horses didn't catch me until the last eight miles or so,
but on the second 25 miles you certainly knew that you weren't
going to be keeping your shoes clean.
- About a dozen runners came down from some club in Massachusetts.
I suspect in future years these guys are going to rival the
Burlington, Ontario folks: they drank beer Friday night. They
drank beer after the race. The ran in a pack. Singing the whole
way. Things like the ``Green Acres'' theme.
- Leaders: Gary Burdick from Ithaca won in 6:40:00. Chris Gibbons
came in 24 seconds later. Keith Hileman was third, edging out
David Horton (4th, just over seven hours) for a new master's record.
Suzanne the Marine was the first woman, in about 8:30. There must
have been quite a finish---just about sixty seconds separated her
from the third place woman.
- Me: I finished in 9:00:44, for a P.R. (Previous best was ~9:52,
at last year's GHF50.) 40th, out of approximately 150 starters.
I was pretty happy, especially considering the course changes, and
the fact that (along with two Canadians) I blew 17 minutes going the
wrong way after the Vet Check (the first time through). (But we got
our money's worth: an extra hill and some shiggy to get back to the
turn we missed. :)
Definitely the smoothest ultra I've done. I ran the whole way,
except for some of the steeper hills; some muscle soreness but
no real bad periods. Still didn't manage to do negative splits,
though---maybe at Masochists.