Videos from Rollerblading the Trail of the Coeur D'Alenes
In July 2010, Paul Daro and I rollerbladed the Trail of the Coeur
D'Alenes, in the Idaho panhandle. Paul took some videos with his
digital camera. These aren't the highest-quality videos you've ever
seen, but they give you a feel for what sections of the trail are
like. You can hear Paul's commentary in the videos.
Each of these videos is on the thcormen channel on
Western section between Plummer and Coeur D'Alene Lake
These two videos were taken on a 5-mile-long downhill section, going
west to east, along the first section of the trail that we skated.
The grade was 3%, which was perfect: steep enough to be no work, and
gentle enough to be relaxing.
Coeur D'Alene Lake
The next two are along and over Coeur D'Alene Lake. In the first one,
you can see the bridge that crosses the lake and is only for the
trail. The second one has me skating on the bridge, with lots of bird
poop on the trail.
After we turned away from the lake at Harrison, we encountered this
fellow, who was not rollerblading.
Scenic valley
Once we turned east from Harrison, we went along the Coeur D'Alene
River, in a valley with a chain of lakes. This video was taken
somewhere between Harrison and Medimont.
Garden of Love
Skating west from Mullan, we came upon the trailside Garden of Love in