Mts. Lafayette and Lincoln 06/06/01:


Hillstompers Present: Tim, Anna, Sandy, Kaela, Amy, Jared, Brett, CZ


"Lookout its an alligator!" or "what a cool little waterfall"


Nice waterfalls on the trail up.


The fast group showing off their non-slip shoes. or "Flash flood - RUN"


"Daddy I'm tired - I wanna go home" the question is: who's yo daddy?


On top of little Haystack - the view of Mt. Lincoln. Cold and windy, but we're psyched.


The cold shivering troops braving wind and sub-degree temps to bring direct to you - live to your living room - a picture.


a nice view


The classic pic of Mt. Lincoln - from Little Haystack


And we're off agin'


Brettski on top of Mt. Lincoln - "Hey guys check out my bandana, look its frozen!"


"Yeah, and we're stuck up here with a bunch of weirdos and its cold, and can I have fries with that."


Presenting: Capt' Zenzoid His'self (we're still on Mt. Lincoln)


"Brrr, is that snow up there????" (by the way that's Mt. Lafayette up in the bg)



Contemplation upon a contrast, or "To jump or not to jump"


"Hurry up with the picture, I'm chewing here!" (still Mt. Lincoln)


Looking back at Little Haystack, pretty big for a haystack eh?


Group snuggle on top of Mt. Lincoln. But wait, don't touch that dial - Mt Lafayette still to go.


"Oh sure use me to block the wind" (still on Mt. Lincoln)


Just another view (from Mt. Lincoln)


Some fellow travelers - and who knew the lady is from Amy's home town in Michigan.


ummm, "Capt Zoid and Brettski to the rescue?" or "Follow me to the path of Zoid enlightenment"


Boy are those guys weird or what? "Come on lets twist again!"



"O mio bambino Caro" or "The Hills are aliiive with the sound of Muuusic"
Bula: "No not that, anything but that!"




Plague or Poison? Tune in next time!
(btw: STILL Mt. Lincoln - we spent almost 2 hrs up there [it was warmer than the other peaks])


About time! We're off to Mt. Lafayette...


Pretty little mountain flowers surrounded by rock and wind.


Wait a sec! That IS snow up there... just a bit though.


Ok, What is wrong with that guy in red??
Anyway, that's us on Mt. Lafayette.
CZ's temperature calculation place the temps at 34.348 degrees and -64.999 counting wind chill.


We're outa there pretty fast, after a brief munching...

Here's Mt. Lafayette from AMC Greenleaf Hut.


The ridge going back home.


Boy what a bunch of goofballs.


And last but not least - on the way back with Mt. Lincoln behind - the troops.
Speaks for itself don't it?