import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Class to implement a min-priority queue with a heap in an ArrayList. * Parts borrowed from * * @author Scot Drysdale * @author Tim Pierson, Dartmouth CS10, provided for Winter 2025 */ public class HeapMinPriorityQueue> implements MinPriorityQueue { ArrayList heap; /** * Constructor */ public HeapMinPriorityQueue() { heap = new ArrayList(); } /** * Return the element with the minimum key, and remove it from the queue. * @return the element with the minimum key, or null if queue empty. */ public E extractMin() { if (heap.size() <= 0) return null; else { E minVal = heap.get(0); //min will be at node 0 heap.set(0, heap.get(heap.size()-1)); // Move last to position 0 heap.remove(heap.size()-1); //remove last item to maintain shape property minHeapify(heap, 0); //recursively swap to maintain order property return minVal; //return min value } } /** * Insert an element into the priority queue. * Keep in heap order * @param element the element to insert */ public void insert(E element) { heap.add(element); // Put new value at end; int loc = heap.size()-1; // and get its location // Swap with parent until parent not larger while (loc > 0 && heap.get(loc).compareTo(heap.get(parent(loc))) < 0) { swap(heap, loc, parent(loc)); loc = parent(loc); } } /** * Is the priority queue empty? * @return true if the queue is empty, false if not empty. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return heap.size() == 0; } /** * Return the element with the minimum key, without removing it from the queue. * @return the element with the minimum key, or null if queue empty. */ public E minimum() { if (heap.size() <= 0) return null; else return heap.get(0); } /** * Restore the min-heap property. When this method is called, the min-heap * property holds everywhere, except possibly at node i and its children. * When this method returns, the min-heap property holds everywhere. * @param a the list to sort * @param i the position of the possibly bad spot in the heap */ private static > void minHeapify(ArrayList a, int i) { int left = leftChild(i); // index of node i's left child int right = rightChild(i); // index of node i's right child int smallest; // will hold the index of the node with the smallest element // among node i, left, and right // Is there a left child and, if so, does the left child have an // element smaller than node i? if (left <= a.size()-1 && a.get(left).compareTo(a.get(i)) < 0) smallest = left; // yes, so the left child is the largest so far else smallest = i; // no, so node i is the smallest so far // Is there a right child and, if so, does the right child have an // element smaller than the larger of node i and the left child? if (right <= a.size()-1 && a.get(right).compareTo(a.get(smallest)) < 0) smallest = right; // yes, so the right child is the largest // If node i holds an element smaller than both the left and right // children, then the min-heap property already held, and we need do // nothing more. Otherwise, we need to swap node i with the larger // of the two children, and then recurse down the heap from the larger child. if (smallest != i) { swap(a, i, smallest); //put smallest in spot i, largest in spot smallest minHeapify(a, smallest); //maintain heap starting from smallest index (with largest item) } } // Swap two locations i and j in ArrayList a. private static void swap(ArrayList a, int i, int j) { E temp = a.get(i); //temporarily hold item at index i a.set(i, a.get(j)); //set item at index i to item at index j a.set(j, temp); //set item at index j to temp } // Return the index of the left child of node i. private static int leftChild(int i) { return 2*i + 1; } // Return the index of the right child of node i. private static int rightChild(int i) { return 2*i + 2; } // Return the index of the parent of node i // (Parent of root will be -1) private static int parent(int i) { return (i-1)/2; } //A testing program public static void main (String [] args) { HeapMinPriorityQueue pq = new HeapMinPriorityQueue(); pq.insert(15); pq.insert(2); pq.insert(7); pq.insert(12); pq.insert(3); pq.insert(5); System.out.println(pq.heap); /* System.out.println(parent(0)); MinPriorityQueue pq = new HeapMinPriorityQueue(); pq.insert("cat"); pq.insert("dog"); pq.insert("bee"); System.out.println("Smallest is: " + pq.minimum()); System.out.println("Smallest again: " + pq.extractMin()); System.out.println("Next smallest is: " + pq.extractMin()); System.out.println("Is it empty? : " + pq.isEmpty()); pq.insert("eagle"); System.out.println("Next smallest is: " + pq.extractMin()); System.out.println("Next smallest is: " + pq.extractMin()); System.out.println("Is it empty? : " + pq.isEmpty()); System.out.println("Min of empty queue: " + pq.minimum()); System.out.println("Remove min of empty queue: " + pq.extractMin()); pq.insert("bear"); System.out.println("Smallest is: " + pq.minimum()); System.out.println("Smallest again: " + pq.extractMin()); pq.insert("cat"); pq.insert("dog"); pq.insert("sheep"); pq.insert("cow"); pq.insert("eagle"); pq.insert("bee"); pq.insert("lion"); pq.insert("tiger"); pq.insert("zebra"); pq.insert("ant"); System.out.println("Bigger example:"); System.out.println("Smallest is: " + pq.extractMin()); System.out.println("Next smallest is: " + pq.extractMin()); System.out.println("Next smallest is: " + pq.extractMin()); System.out.println("Next smallest is: " + pq.extractMin()); System.out.println("Next smallest is: " + pq.extractMin()); System.out.println("Next smallest is: " + pq.extractMin()); System.out.println("Next smallest is: " + pq.extractMin()); System.out.println("Next smallest is: " + pq.extractMin()); System.out.println("Next smallest is: " + pq.extractMin()); System.out.println("Next smallest is: " + pq.extractMin()); System.out.println("Next smallest is: " + pq.extractMin()); */ } }