/* * treetest.c - test program for simple binary-tree module * (not a very good test program) * * David Kotz - April 2016, 2017 * CS50, Fall 2022 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "tree.h" /* Use a global variable to hold the root of tree; * it does not need to be global, in this simple example, * but here it serves an example of a global variable. * We normally try hard to avoid using globals. */ struct treenode *root; int main() { // some simple test code root = tree_insert(root, 3, 9); root = tree_insert(root, 4, 9); root = tree_insert(root, 1, 9); root = tree_insert(root, 5, 9); root = tree_insert(root, 6, 9); root = tree_insert(root, 2, 9); root = tree_insert(root, 8, 9); root = tree_insert(root, 7, 9); root = tree_insert(root, 0, 9); printf("find %d returns %d\n", 4, tree_find(root, 4)); printf("find %d returns %d\n", 5, tree_find(root, 5)); printf("update node %d...\n", 5); root = tree_insert(root, 5, 99); printf("find %d returns %d\n", 5, tree_find(root, 5)); }