/* * treetest.c - test program for simple binary-tree module * (interesting item, print/delete functions, and malloc/free tracking) * * usage: * read stock quotes from stdin to use as test item. * each line should be comma-separated values, with * "symbol",close,price,volume * where close and price are floats and volume is an int. * for example, pipe the output of curl into this program: * curl 'http://download.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=AAPL,GOOG,MSFT,FB&f=spl1v&e=.csv' | ./treetest * Old documentation about that API: * http://www.financialwisdomforum.org/gummy-stuff/Yahoo-data.htm * http://www.marketindex.com.au/yahoo-finance-api * * David Kotz - April 2016, 2017 * CS50, Fall 2022 */ #include #include #include #include "tree.h" #include "readlinep.h" struct stock { float close; // previous close float price; // last trade price int volume; // trading volume }; static void stockprint(FILE *fp, const char *key, void *item); static void stockdelete(void *item); static int stockcount = 0; int main() { tree_t *tree; // the tree tree = tree_new(); if (tree == NULL) { printf("tree_new failed\n"); exit(1); } printf("\ntesting tree_insert:\n"); // read stocks from stdin and insert each into the tree while (!feof(stdin)) { struct stock *stp = malloc(sizeof(struct stock)); if (stp == NULL) { printf("out of memory for stocks\n"); } else { // parsing the input line, each with format: // "symbol",low,high,volume char symbol[8]; char *line = readlinep(); if (line != NULL) { sscanf(line, "\"%[^\"]\",%f,%f,%d", symbol, &stp->close, &stp->price, &stp->volume); printf("%s,%f,%f,%d\n", symbol, stp->close, stp->price, stp->volume); tree_insert(tree, symbol, stp); stockcount++; free(line); } else { free(stp); } } } printf("\ntesting tree_find:\n"); stockprint(stdout, "IBM", tree_find(tree, "IBM")); putchar('\n'); stockprint(stdout, "NKE", tree_find(tree, "NKE")); putchar('\n'); stockprint(stdout, "YHOO", tree_find(tree, "YHOO")); putchar('\n'); printf("update node %s...\n", "YHOO"); tree_insert(tree, "YHOO", NULL); // this will leak memory printf("update tree_find(%s):\n", "YHOO"); stockprint(stdout, "YHOO", tree_find(tree, "YHOO")); putchar('\n'); printf("\nThe tree:\n"); tree_print(tree, stdout, stockprint); printf("\ndelete the tree...\n"); tree_delete(tree, stockdelete); printf("done, with %d stocks still allocated\n", stockcount); } /* print the given item to the given file. * in our test, key is the same as item->symbol */ static void stockprint(FILE *fp, const char *key, void *item) { struct stock *stp = item; if (stp == NULL) fprintf(fp, "[%s]: (null)", key); else fprintf(fp, "[%s]: close %f, price %f, vol %d", key, stp->close, stp->price, stp->volume); } static void stockdelete(void *item) { if (item) { free(item); } stockcount--; }