Activity - Git and GitHub
In this activity you’ll create a repo on GitHub and will share files with a partner.
- Choose a partner
- Partner 1 creates a repo on GitHub and invites Partner 2 (Partner 1 will need Partner 2’s GitHub ID)
- Log into GitHub and click on your icon in upper right, select “Your organizations”, choose cs50-2022-fall
- Click “New”, give repo a name, keep default settings (e.g., keep repo private), click “Create repository”
- Click “Add teams and collaborators” (near top), then “Add people”, enter Partner 2’s GitHub ID
- Give Partner 2 rights (Read, Triage, Write, Maintain, or Admin), choose Admin for today, then click “Add person to repository”
- Partner 1 pushes a file to GitHub
- Click on repo name in upper left corner, then SSH (in middle of screen), then copy icon to copy the URL (something like<repo name>.git)
- Change directory to where you’d like to store the code (e.g. ~/cs50 on plank)
- Git clone the repo and change directory:
git clone <repo>
(ignore the warning that you’ve cloned an empty repo) ls
to see a new directory was created, change directory into the repo’s directorycd <repo directory>
- Create a file in the directory and enters a few lines:
- Run
git status
to see your is not tracked - Tell Git to track it:
git add
- Run
git status
again to see Git is tracking your new file - Run
git commit -m "Initial commit"
to commit your file - Push the file to GitHub
git push -u origin main
- Check on GitHub web interface the file appeared (refresh your browser!)
- Partner 2 makes changes
- Accept invitation email from GitHub
- From GitHub web page select Code, ensure SSH selected, then copy repo URL
- Get files with
git clone <repo URL>;
- Run
to see new directory created, change into that directorycd <repo directory>
- Run
again to see - Edit
- Run
git status
to see is modified, but not staged for commit - Tell git to include these changes in next commit
git add
- Run
git status
to see is modified - Tell git to stage changes
git commit -m "<describe changes>"
- Push changes to GitHub
git push -u origin main
- Check via GitHub web interface that changes were pushed (refresh browser!)
- Partner 1 get changes made by Partner 2 with
git pull
- Try to create a merge conflict by editing the same line
- Each partner edits and pushes to GitHub
- First partner will succeed, second partner will get merge conflict (you may need to run
git config pull.rebase false
to specify how to handle conflicts if this is your first conflict) - Resolve the merge conflict by editing file with conflicting changes (the merge conflict message will say which files are in conflict)
- Push changes to GitHub