In your group, start thinking about a design for the Crawler portion of the TSE. Consider the following informal description of the Crawler:

  • It takes three parameters: the URL for a web page to use as a starting point (seed) for the crawl, the maximum depth it should crawl from that seed, and the name of a directory where it can cache copies of the web pages it crawls.
  • It should start from a given URL called the seed. The web page at that URL is said to be at depth 0.
  • It should explore that URL; that is, it should download the web page at that URL, and scan that page’s HTML for embedded links to URLs. (Assume you are given a function that can pick URLs out of HTML.) When exploring a page at depth d, its embedded URLs refer to pages that are said to be at depth d+1.
  • Ignore URLs that don’t point at HTML.
  • Ignore URLs at depth greater than maxDepth.
  • Explore each non-ignored URL by downloading its HTML and scanning that HTML for URLs, as above.
  • For each page it explores, it should create one file that contains the URL of that page, its depth in the crawl, and the HTML for that page.

Discuss how you could structure a crawler to accomplish the above goals – probably two nested loops – and leverage your Lab 3 data structures.