This module defines the opaque webpage_t type, and a suite of functions for creating and manipulating “web pages”. A “web page” is really a struct holding

  • the URL of this web page, in canonical form
  • the depth at which the crawler found this page
  • the HTML for the page - may be NULL.

Sometimes you just want to keep track of web pages without HTML - perhaps because you have not yet fetched that HTML - in that case, the webpage object has a null HTML pointer.

Othertimes, you have fetched the HTML and want to work with it; then, the webpage object has a non-null HTML pointer.

For a complete and up-to-date description, read webpage.h for documentation of the interfaces.


A webpage_t object is a struct and exists in one of two states:

  1. initialized, but with no HTML;
  2. initialized, and with HTML fetched from the site.

Initially, on return from webpage_new(), the struct is in the first state. After a successful call to webpage_fetch, the struct now has HTML content and is in the second state.


typedef struct webpage {
  char* url;                               // url of the page
  char* html;                              // html code of the page
  size_t html_len;                         // length of html code
  int depth;                               // depth of crawl
} webpage_t;


Creates a new webpage object, given the URL for the web page, the depth at which the crawler encountered this URL, and (optionally) the HTML for this page.

webpage_t *webpage_new(char *url, const int depth, char *html);


Deletes a webpage object and frees its memory. It takes a void* to make it easy to call this from a generic data structure like bag_delete().

void webpage_delete(void *data);


Downloads the HTML for the page at the given URL and saves it in the html portion of the webpage struct.

bool webpage_fetch(webpage_t *page);


Starts (or continues) a scan of the HTML from index pos for the given page, returning the next word in the page.

char *webpage_getNextWord(webpage_t *page, int *pos);


Starts (or continues) a scan of the HTML from index pos for the given page, returning the next URL in the page.

char *webpage_getNextURL(webpage_t *page, int *pos);


To normalize a URL to canonical form.

bool normalizeURL(char *url);


To determine whether a given URL is “internal” to the CS50 playground (e.g., on plank).

bool isInternalURL(char *url);

getter methods

If you must access the contents of the struct, you can request them via one of three getter methods:

int   webpage_getDepth(const webpage_t *page);
char *webpage_getURL(const webpage_t *page);
char *webpage_getHTML(const webpage_t *page);