TSE Indexer
Today we look at the next component of the Tiny Search Engine – the indexer. We begin with a brief comment on the Crawler’s design, then move on to the indexer itself. One aspect of the ADTs from Lab 3 that will be very useful is the idea of iterators – loop over a collection of items and apply a function to each item. This is a powerful and useful concept indeed!
In this lecture extra we look at iterators in depth.
- to reflect on our design principles and the Crawler
- to review the specs for the Indexer
- to explore the design of data structures for a search-engine index
In today’s activity, we will use iterators to save a hashtable to an external file.
Key points in the Crawler design
What are some of the key ideas in the crawler design?
First, we separate application-specific logic from general-purpose ADT modules. By leveraging general-purpose modules from Lab 3 (bag, hashtable, etc), coding the crawler-specific logic is much cleaner and simpler than if the code for the ADTs were woven in with the application-specific crawler code.
If your crawler weaves the logic of web crawling into the details of any of your data structures, you’ve missed this opportunity - your code is likely more complicated, more buggy, harder to debug, harder to test, harder to maintain, and much harder to reuse and extend.
Second, we note good data-structure design is key to successful projects.
The design of the crawler remains simple because we chose two data structures - a bag for the set of pages yet to crawl, and a hashtable for the set of URLs already seen - that support the overall control flow.
On the other hand, when we get to the indexer and querier we may find that we need to adjust the code to provide slightly different functionality, or to factor out code that needs to be used by multiple components. It’s hard to have perfect foresight.
There are no final decisions No decision is cast in stone. Instead, consider each as being written in the sand at the beach, and plan for change.
Not all of the design decisions we made at the beginning of crawler made it through the implementation and testing to the final code. Many times you’ll say “it sounded like a good idea (design) at the time.” The software development process is precisely that: a process. It is not a programmer on a one-way street, but more like a chef crafting a new dish. You have a plan that everyone agrees on, you begin to execute on that plan, and sometimes conditions change and unexpected interactions arise. You have to handle them and and still get to the goal.
Finally, many of you have found that shell scripts can automate testing. It’s far easier to test your crawler by writing a bash script to drive various test cases, or to examine the output for correctness, than to manually run a variety of tests for each new version of the code.
On to the Indexer!
The job of the indexer
is to read the documents in the pageDirectory
output by the crawler
, build an inverted index mapping from words to documents, and write that index to a file. It’s called an inverted index because it maps from words to documents, the opposite of a document (itself a sequence of words).
(Later, the querier
will read the index and use it to answer queries.)
Now is a good time to read Section 4 in Searching the Web, the paper about search engines.
Indexer requirements
See the Requirements spec under Lab 5.
Indexer design
You’ll be writing out the Design Specs as part of Lab 5. To help you get started, in this lecture we sketch out the key data structure and some high-level pseudo code.
Data structure: Inverted index
We need a data structure to represent the inverted index. A hashtable is a great start, because we can look up a word in a hashtable in O(1) time. But what is in the hashtable? For each word, we need a list of documents in which the word appears. (Not the documents themselves, just the document IDs.) Actually, to enable us to later rank the matches, we’d also like to record how many times the given word appears in each document (think about what ADT from Lab 3 can keep track of counts!).
Consider the data structures we have handy: hashtable, set, bag, and counters. (Oh, and tree.) A hashtable of sets of counters is perfect to map from a word to a list of (docID, count) pairs.
See the diagram below:
We get to use three out of our four data structures: hashtable, set, and counters!
When processing a given document (identified by docID), consider each word; look up that word in the hashtable and retrieve a pointer to a counters_t*
item; then use counters_add()
on that item, using the docID as a key.
Your data-set iterators (like hashtable_iterate()
) should be very useful for saving an index to a file, or for later loading an index from a file.
Indexer pseudocode
Very high-level description of the indexer and indextest.
- Process and validate command-line parameters
- Initialize data structure index
- index_build(directory, index)
- index_save(file, index);
- clean up data structures
- Process and validate command-line parameters
- Initialize data structure index
- index_load(file1, index)
- index_save(file2, index)
- clean up data structures