- Sauerlandt
- Gerard Terborch
- Lochner
- Wanger
- Ember
- Gowing
- Hoogsteder
the Da Costa Hours
M399 fol 6v Bruges c 1515
The Pierpoint Morgan Library, Ney York (in boat)
Wilhelm Ziegeler, 1538, Ober\"osterreichisches Landesmuseum, Linz,
Marco Palmezzano "The Virgin Enthroned"
National Gallery of Ireland
Bartholomeo Veneto The Lute Player
Gardner Museum, boston
Laurent de la Hyre 1606 - 1656 Allegorie de la musique
New York Metropolitan Museum of art
A. Bosse 1625 A lute playing nobleman
from "Costume" by James Laver 1963 gt 515 q.l32 1964
Caravaggio The Lute Player
Metropolitan Museum of Art New York
Jacopo Vignali St Cecilia.
early 17th century
National Gallery of Ireland
A musical bath in the north of Italy
Miniature of xvth centyy Ms. Lat 209, X. 2. 14) Biblioteca Estense, Modena
Nicholas and Robert Bonnart
Le Sanguin
c 1670
cabinete des estampies, Bibioteque Nationale, Paris
Louis XIV's musicians 1687 Francois Puget
Musee de Louvre, Paris
Luigi Miradori called THE GENOVESE
Palazzo Rosso, Genoa
The Family concert
Leandro da Ponte called Bassano
Uffizi gllery, Florence
look into
"Young Man with Lute" Giovanni Cariani (1485-1547)
Strasbourg, Musees des Beaux Arts)
Nicholas Tournier "Le Concert" Paris Musee de Louvre (1590-1639)
Francios Puget (1651-1707) Portraits of musicians of Louis XIV
(paris, Musee de Louvre)
the Lute Player
Jean de Reyn late 1630's *The Age of Reubens*
by Peter Sutton Boston Museum of fine arts
Charles Mouton
, the Lutanist, by Francois de Troy, 1690.
The Louvre - Gowing "Paintings in the Louvre"
The Lute Player
by Orazio Gentileschi (1563-1639);
Painting is ca. 1610. National Gallery of Art,
Washington, DC. No right-hand technique here ;-)
Woman with a Cittern by Pieter van Slingeland
(ca. 1630-1691). Painting date: 1677.
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (?), Mildred
Anna Williams Collection, 1940.25
The Lute Player
by Hendrick Terbrugghen, 1624, National Gallerry, London,
(Art ND 653 .H2 G7313 1990)
Giovane Che Suona il Mandolino, by Giambattista Tiepolo
Art ND 623 .T52P3 1758-60 Detroit, Institue of Arts
This is a mandolin, not a lute. Mandolins are popular in bluegrass bands.
Hand position
nice hand, bad picture.
- unknown party scene
- keyboard player with kids
- another angel by Forli
- *ALL* the Memling angels!
Valerius Maximus, "Factorum et dictorum
memorabiliorum libbir novem"
Depot Breslau 2. Bd. 2. Bl. 244, French, 1470,
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preussischer Kulturbesitz.
- angels
from "Madonna and Child with Saints" by Veronese artist
Girolamo dai Libri (1474-1553)
useful books
Music and Art in Society Lesure ml 85 q.L4813
Sources manuscrites en Tablature
1991 François-Pierre Goy
ML128.L88S68 princeton,
has listings of french (vol 1) and german (vol 2)mss.