Inventory of lute solos composed or arranged by Joachim van den Hove.
This is a copy of an index published in the Lute Society (England)
Lute News No. 44, Dec 1997, by John Robinson.
All pieces for lute in vieil ton tuning except: tuning 1, efdef, 'D major';
tuning 2, fhfhf; tuning 3, fefhf - intervals measured in frets beginning
with the first course. Tablature for the eleven pieces marked with an
asterix are included in The English Lute Society's Lute News No. 44,
December 1997.
Minor corrections to the tablature have been made without comment:
*1 Passagio J.V.d.Hoven A[nn]o 1614 Schele, p.2
2 Preludium. Ioachimus vanden Hove Delitae Musicae, f.1
3 Præludium. Ioachimus va de Hove Delitae Musicae, f.1v
4 Preludium Tristæ. Ioachimus vande Hove Delitae Musicae, f.2
5 Preludium Lachrime. Ioachimus vande Hove Delitae
Musicae, f.2v
*6 Præludium. Ioachimus vanden Hove Delitae Musicae, f.3
7 Præludium. Ioachimus vanden Hove Delitae Musicae, f.3v
8 Praeludium - Joachim vanden / Hove [tuning 1] autogr. Hove-1, ff.46v-47
9 Praeludium I. Praeludia Testudinis, f.1
10 Praeludium II. Praeludia Testudinis, ff.1v-2
11 Praeludium III. Praeludia Testudinis, ff.2v-3
12 Praeludium IIV. Praeludia Testudinis, ff.3v-4
13 Praeludium V. Praeludia Testudinis, f.4v
begins as Praeludium J.V.d.H. [cf. no.28]
Schele, p.7
14 Praeludium VI. [opening as no.47] Praeludia
Testudinis, ff.5-5v
Den Adieu - Het droeuich Afscheijt tusschen /
S[eigneu]r. Adam Leenaerts ende Joachim Vanden / Hove In Leijden den .2.
Augusti An[n]o 1615 - vale. [The farewell - The sad farewell between
Mr Adam Leenaerts and Joachim Vanden Hove at Leyden on August 2 in the
year 1615 - farewell]. autograph Hove-1, ff.56v-58v
Pro[p]empticon triste de abitu doloroso
Nobiliss[ima]: & strenui viri Rodolphi Ehtenij, ex Nobilissima / Luciana
societate, compositum per J. V. Hove A[nn]o 1613. mensis maij. die
duodecima. [Sad farewell of the mournful departure of the most noble and
strenuous man Rodolph Echten from the most noble Lucian society, composed
by J.V.Hove in the year 1613, on the twelfth day of the month of May]
Schele, pp.71-2
15 Praeludium VII. Praeludia Testudinis, ff.7-7v
cf. Toccate, Gemaeckt ter Eeren Van Mons[ieur].
Vander Linden. In Leijden, den 21 Febr: Anno 1614. / Joachimus Vanden Hove
[Toccate, made in honour of Mr Vander
Linden, at Leyden, on February 21 in the year 1614. Made by Joachimus
Vanden Hove] Schele, p.68
16 Praeludium VIII. Praeludia Testudinis, ff.8-8v
17 Praeludium IX. Praeludia Testudinis, ff.[9-9v]
18 Praeludium X. Praeludia Testudinis, ff.10
19 Praeludium XI. Praeludia Testudinis, ff.10v-[11]
20 Praeludium XII. Praeludia Testudinis, ff.[11v]-12
21 Praeludium XIII. Praeludia Testudinis, ff.12v-[13]
22 Praeludium XIV. Praeludia Testudinis, ff.[13v]-14
23 Praeludium XV. Praeludia Testudinis, ff.14v-15
24 Praeludium XVI. Praeludia Testudinis, ff.15v-16
25 Praeludium XVII. Praeludia Testudinis, ff.16v-17
26 Praeludium XVIII. Praeludia Testudinis, ff.17v-18
27 Praeludium XIX. Praeludia Testudinis, ff.18v-19
28 Praeludium J.V.d.H. Schele, p.7
29 Praeludium J.V.d.H. Schele, p.8
30 Toccate - Joachim Vanden Hove /Ex tempore fecit / An[n]o
1615, 14.7 autogr. Hove-1, ff.43v-44
31 Toccate - J.v.Hove autogr. Hove-1, f.59
32 Toccate J.V.d.H. Schele, p.73
*33 Toccate J.V.d.H. Anno 1614 Schele, p.74
34 Toccate tot Eeren Mons: / Vander Burgk van J.V.d.H./ den 13
Jan. An[n]o 1614. [Toccate in honour of Mr Vander Burgk by J.V.d.H.
on January 13 in the year 1614] Schele, pp.74-5
35 Toccate. J.V.d.H. Schele, p.76 ii
*36 Toccate J V d H 1614 Schele, p.77 i
Praeludium 19. Mertel, Hortus Musicalis,
Strassburg 1615, pp.8-9
37 Toccate J.V.d.H. 1614 16 Aug: Schele, p.77 ii
38 Het Afscheijt Van D[octissim]o Martino Dalemio ende
Joachimo Vanden Houe Gemaeckt, door, Joachimus Vanden Houe In Leijden den /
12 Junij A[nn]o 1613.
[The farewell between the most learned Martin Dalem
and Joachim Vanden Hove made by Joachim Vanden Hove at Leyden, on June 12
in the year 1613] Schele, pp.69-8
39 Het Laeste Leijtsche Afscheit, tussen D[octissim]o Martino
Dalemio ende Joachimus Vanden Hoven. / - Joachimus Vanden Hoven. [The last
farewell at Leyden between the most learned Martin Dalem and Joachim Vanden
Hove. - Joachim Vanden Hove] Schele, pp.70-1
40 Fantasia Prima Florida, ff.1-2
41 Fantasia seconda Florida, ff.2v-3
42 Fantasia quarta [lacrimae theme] Florida, ff.4-4v
Fantasia di Joachimo van / Hove. Resonansi d'ecco,
Herold, ff.14v-16v,
Dio: Fantasia Joachimi Vanden Houve Schele, pp.38-9
43 Fantasia quinta Florida, f.5
Fantasia [to bar 27 of 45] Herold ff.9v-10v
*44 Fantasia sexta Florida, f.5v
45 Fantasia septima Florida, ff.6-6v
cf. Fan / tasia Herold, ff.8-9v
[parody of La Spiritata, Gabrieli Canzoni Libro
Primo, Venice 1608] 46 Fantasia - Joachim Vanden
Hove autogr. Hove-1, ff.33v-35v
*47 Pavana. / Pavana. Ioachimus vandem Hove Delitae Musicae, f.37
48 Pavana Melancolica / Pavana Melancolica. Ioachimus vandem
Hove Delitae Musicae, f.39
49 Pauana noua / Inferno - Joachim van / Hove [Bflat]
autogr. Hove-1, ff.49v-50
Pavana [F] Praeludia Testudinis, f.19v
50 Pauana Paradiso - Joachim vanden Hove autogr. Hove-1,
Pavana Praeludia Testudinis, f.20
51 Pauana Lachrimae Joachimi van den Houen den 16 Febr: A[nn]o
1614 Schele, pp.17-9
52 Pauana J.V.D.H. Schele, p.32
*53 Galliarde - J.v.H. / Geschreuen ter Eeren mijnen / Goeden Vrient
Adam Leena[e]rts / Jn Leijden den 17.Jan: An[n]o 1613 / Joachim Vanden Hove
[Galliard - J.v.H. written in honour of my good
friend Adam Leenaerts at Leiden, on January 17 in the year 1613, Joachim
Vanden Hove] autograph Hove-1, ff.36v-37
*54 Galliarde - Joachim Vanden Hove fecit / An[n]o 1615, 14.7
autogr. Hove-1, ff.44v-45
55 Gaillarde - Joachim Vanden Hove [tuning 1] autogr.
Hove-1, ff.48-49
56 Galliarda Inferno - Joachimo vanden Hove autogr.
Hove-1, ff.53v-54
57 Galliarda Paradiso - Joachim vanden Hove autogr.
Hove-1, ff.55v-56
58 Galliarde Sr A. Leenaerts - Joachim vanden Hove autogr.
Hove-1, ff.60v-61
59 [Galliarde du Passemezo] Reprinse Ioachimus vanden Hove
Delitae Musicae, f.40v
60 [Galliarde du Passemezo] Reprinse Ioachimus vanden Hove
Delitae Musicae, f.42
61 [Galliarde du Passemezo] Reprinse I. v. H. Delitae
Musicae, f.43v
62 [Galliarde du passemezo] Reprinse I. v. H. Delitae
Musicae, f.45
63 [Galliarde du Pass] Reprinse Ioachimus vanden Hove
Delitae Musicae, f.46v
64 Almande. / Almande. Ioachimus vanden Houe Delitae
Musicae, f.57v ii
65 Almande. / Almande. Ioachimus vanden Hove Delitae
Musicae, f.58 ii
66 Almande. / Almande. Ioachimus vanden Houe Delitae
Musicae, f.59v
67 Almande. / Almande. Ioachimus vanden Hove Delitae
Musicae, f.60
*68 Almande. / Almande. I v. H. Delitae Musicae, f.60v i
69 Almande. / Almande. Ioachimus vanden Hove Delitae
Musicae, f.60v ii
*70 Almande - Joachim / v / Hove autogr. Hove-1, ff.35v-36
71 Almande - Joachim vanden Hove Fecit et Composuit [tuning 1]
autogr. Hove-1, ff.45v-46
72 Almande Sr A. L. - Joachim Van Hove autogr. Hove-1,
73 Almande - J. v. Hove [tuning 2] autogr. Hove-1, ff.61v-62
74 Almande - J. v. Hove [tuning 3] autogr. Hove-1, ff.62v-63
75 Courante. / Courante. Ioachimus vanden Houe Delitae
Musicae, f.63 i
76 Courante. / Courante. Ioachimus vanden Houe Delitae
Musicae, f.63v i
*77 Courante. / Courante. I. v. H. Delitae Musicae, f.63v ii
78 Courante. / Courante. I. v. H. Delitae Musicae, f.64 i
79 Courante. / Courante. Ioachimus vanden Hove Delitae
Musicae, f.64 ii
80 Courante. / Courante. Ioachimus vanden Hove [Tree no.14]
Delitae Musicae, f.64v i
81 Courante. / Courante. I. v. H. [Tree no.15] Delitae
Musicae, f.64v ii
82 Den Lustelijcken Meij - Gemaeckt ter Eeren mijnen goeden
vriendt Sr Adam Leenaerts In Leijden door Joachim Vanden Hove . [The
Lusty May - made in honour of my good friend Mr Adam Leenaerts at Leiden by
Joachim Vanden Hove] autograph Hove-1, ff.8v-10v
83 Fauorito. / Favorito. Ioachimus vanden Houe Delitae
Musicae, ff.50v-51
84 Het vaeder Onse / Het Tweede Deel - / Het derde Deel - /
Het 4. Deel - Duo - / Het .5. Deel. Tria -/ Het Seste Deel - Joachimus
Vanden Hove / Fecit - [The Lord's Prayer / The second part /
The third part / The fourth part, duo / The fifth
part, trio / The sixth part /
Made by Joachim Vanden Hove] autograph Hove-1,
85 Chanson Fleming./Chanson Flameng. Ioachimus vanden Hove
[Tree no.16] Delitae Musicae, f.65v
86 Pero piu fermo, del Autore [Hove] Florida, ff.23v-24
87 Donna gentil. A.4. Ioachimus vanden Hove Delitae
Musicae, ff. 6v-7r
88 Amor deh dimmi come. A.4. Ioachimus vanden Hove Delitae
Musicae, ff. 8v-9r
89 Ne vous plaigne pas de / moij A.5 - Joachim Vanden Hove /
Fecit autogr. Hove-1, ff.19v-20v
90 Nasce la pena mia - A.6. / voci - [f.71:] Allesandro
Striggio fecit Transposition di / Joachimo Vanden Hove, Jn Honore del
Signor Adamo / Leenaerts Padrono mio [Nasce la pena mia a6 voci, made by
Allesandro Striggio Transposed by Joachim van den Hove, in honour of Mr
Adam Leenaerts, my patron] autogr. Hove-1, ff.65v-70v
91 Vne Ieune Fillette.Ultima Parte./ Ioachimus vanden Hove
Delitae Musicae, ff.56v-57
92 Fortuna di Joachimo / van den Hovo Herold ff.18v-21
93 Echo Praeludia Testudinis, f.20v
94 Toccate pour Mons.Vander Lijnden. / A[nn]o 1614 den 16
Febr: Schele, p.76 i
95 Fantasia tertia Florida, f.3v
Fantasia Fantastica d'Inghilterra ma piena d'ogni soavita Berlin
40032 f.75
Fantasia Herold, ff.13v-14
[untitled] Hirsch, f.13
Phantasia et Fuga 17 Mertel 1615, pp.146-7
[untitled, bandora] Dd.2.11, f.37v
96 Courante / Courante. Incertus Autor [Tree no.13]
Delitae Musicae, f.62v ii
97 Mille fiate D'incerto Florida, ff.38v-39
Anonymous pieces that on stylistic grounds may have been composed or
intabulated by Hove:
98 Praeludium autogr. Hove-1, f.3
99 Toccate autogr. Hove-1, f.11
100 Toccate autogr. Hove-1, f.21
101 Toccate autogr. Hove-1, ff.21v-22
102 Galliarde autogr. Hove-1, ff.63v-64
103 Io mi son giouinetta / A 4 [D.Ferabosco] autogr.
Hove-1, ff.3v-5
104 A Marilli mia bella - A.6. voci D'incerti autogr.
Hove-1, ff.18-19
105 Bon jour mon / coeur A.4. - Orlando Fe: [Lassus]
autogr. Hove-1, ff.22v-24v
106 Bellissima Mirtilla .a5. [Gastoldi] autogr. Hove-1, f.162v
107 Vezzosette Ninfe belle .a5. [Gastoldi] autogr. Hove-1, f.163
108 Se ben vedio vita mis .a5. [Gastoldi] autogr. Hove-1, f.163v
109 Piacer gioia e diletto .a5. [Gastoldi] autogr. Hove-1, f.164
110 Viuer lieto voglio .a5. [Gastoldi] autogr. Hove-1, f.164v
111 A lieta vita .a5. [Gastoldi] autogr. Hove-1, f.165
112 Questa dolce sirena autogr. Hove-1, f.165v
The remaining 56 vocal intabulations [including 3 duets]?
The remaining 41 vocal intabulations? Delitae Musicae
John H Robinson, Newcastle University,
November 1997
Eleven lute solos composed by Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove, the South Netherlands lutenist, composer, intabulator
and teacher, was born in Antwerp in 1567 and died in The Hague 1620 [cf.
biography in New Grove by Mindert Jape]. He published two anthologies of
lute music drawing on current vocal models, popular tunes and works of
contemporary composers such as Diomedes Cato, John Dowland, Anthony
Holborne, John & Robert Johnson and Jacob Polak, often adding divisions and
variations of his own. However, around a hundred lute solos ascribed to
him survive in these two anthologies and a third print devoted to his work,
as well as three manuscript sources. Two manuscripts [Hamburgh, Stadt- und
Universitäts-bibliothek, Ms. M B/2768, inscribed Ernest Schele Anno 1619,
and Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Hove-1 c.1615] contain many
pieces ascribed to Hove. Some of the Berlin pieces were composed by Hove
in honour of his friend and patron Adam Leenaerts, and others, including
farewells, marking occasions of their departing from Leyden [cf. inventory
below]. Many of the pieces in Schele have dates [1614-1616] and place
names [e.g. Metz, Frankfurt, Venice and Naples] presumably indicating when
and where they were collected whilst the scribe was travelling through
Europe. It is traditionally claimed, without any direct evidence [e.g. New
Grove article], that both manuscripts were copied by Hove, but on close
examination, the two hands are not very similar. Thus it remains to be
established whether he copied either.
The Album studiosorum academiae of Leyden University records that several
of the dedicatees of pieces by Hove, such as Mons.Vander Lynden, Vander
Burgk and Martin Dalem, as well as Monsieur Tvenhuysen to whom a few pieces
in Schele are ascribed, and one Daniel Schele Hamburgensis, were students
at Leyden University, all matriculating between 1611 and 1613 [thanks to
Peter Kiraly for this information]; also Rodolphus ab Echten Drechtinus
matriculated in 1611, aged 18 [thanks to Jan Burgers for this information]
[cf. inventory below]. I am grateful to Jan Burgers, University of
Amsterdam and Gerard Venema, University of Groningen for translating the
Dutch titles and Donald Hill, Department of Classics, Newcastle University,
for translating the Latin titles. A third manuscript source, a contemporary
copy of the lute book of Christoph Herold [Private Library of Hans von
Busch, c.1602, facsimile: Tree Edition, München, 1991] contains a few
pieces by Hove. Herold matriculated in 1598 in Leiden and studied in
Padova in 1601-3. Inventories for the three manuscripts can be found in
Sources en Manuscrit. Luth et Theorbe c.1500-c.1800, vol.II, by Christain
Meyer, Editions Valentin Koerner, Baden-Baden & Bouxwiller, 1994.
Hove's three published books [cf. title pages on pp.i & iii of the
tablature] are: Florida (Utrecht, 1601), containing 7 Fantasias, 58 vocal
intabulations, 72 dances etc., copies in Den Haag, Oxford CC, Wien NB and
Wroclaw; Delitae Musica (Utrecht, 1612), containing 6 preludes, 43 vocal
intabulations, 67 dances etc., copies in London BL, Mainz, München BS,
Stockholm, Uppsala, Vicenza, Wien NB and Wroclaw, [19 pieces in facsimile
in Delitae Musicae, Utrecht, 1612, ed. A. Reyerman, Tree Edition, (München,
1991)]; and Praeludia Testvdinis, ad Symphoniam duarum vocum duarum[q]ve
violarum accommodata (Leiden, 1616/R1617), containing 19 preludes, 2 pavans
and an Echo, copies in Brussels BR, Elbing [missing] and Wroclaw [facsimile
edition: Van Den Hove, Praeludia Testudinis, with introduction by G.
Spiessens, Fontes Musicae Bibliothecae Regiae Belgicae, Bruxelles, 1982].
The title of the latter alludes to viol parts to the lute music, but a
second part book is not known to have been published.
The present selection shows Hove to be a competent if not highly original
composer compared with other contemporary lute composers of the
Netherlands: Nicolas Vallet and Emmanuel Adriaenssen. Hove's style is
closest to Adrianssen which tempts speculation that Adrianssen may have
been his teacher.